3/31/2018 welp here we are, going into the fourth month of the year and I'm gonna keep it real, not much progress has been made. I don't feel as if I've gotten any closer to my goals. I definitely don't feel any more satisfied and content with life than I did last year. I haven't grown. I still am unhappy. I'm still broke and have no idea of how I can even make things better. it's 9:30pm here, basically close to time for me to go to sleep, or so I believe. I'm just not working hard enough. after listening to the story from the guy working at the gas station I stopped at today I can honestly agree that I am not working hard enough. I'm fucking spoiled and I just don't know what to do. I appreciate what I have and for sure days like today, stories (of how life real is for some people) such as those I heard today really put things into perspective for me. it's 9:30 and I typically am sleep and don't stay up past 1am in spite of the fact ...