
Showing posts from March, 2018


3/31/2018 welp here we are, going into the fourth month of the year and I'm gonna keep it real, not much progress has been made. I don't feel as if I've gotten any closer to my goals. I definitely don't feel any more satisfied and content with life than I did last year. I haven't grown. I still am unhappy. I'm still broke and have no idea of how I can even make things better. it's 9:30pm here, basically close to time for me to go to sleep, or so I believe. I'm just not working hard enough. after listening to the story from the guy working at the gas station I stopped at today I can honestly agree that I am not working hard enough. I'm fucking spoiled and I just don't know what to do. I appreciate what I have and for sure days like today, stories (of how life real is for some people) such as those I heard today really put things into perspective for me. it's 9:30 and I typically am sleep and don't stay up past 1am in spite of the fact ...

the grind and the struggle

3/30/18 9 hours yesterday, 6 hours today at the internship, maybe 2/3 hours for tomorrow. hopefully got a B or so on the test today, for sure didn't get an A as our professor is an idiot, he gave us less than an hour for a rather difficult exam :) I'm feeling doubtful that I'm really gonna make it big, that I'll be able to make any positive major moves in the near future but I'm doing my best and working hard each and every day tired... friday evening and all I wanna do is sleep... it's only 9pm I definitely don't want to go back to my internship tomorrow but it's whatever I spent the majority of my friday at the internship, started the day struggling with my h374 class.. both the lab then a test in the lecture nearly ruined my car 😖 ugh well hopefully things will get better soon. I'm going to order my car decal and vlogging tripod here tonight. thanks for reading

9 hours at the internship - legit

3/29/2018 test tomorrow, not ready test Monday, why me? project due Monday, what is life? I'm tired and super busy, can't wait for the weekend. pay day in 2 days :) people don't look out for you, you have to look out for yourself. lesson of the day for me every darn day. give your best no matter what a little movement forward is better than any amount of movement backwards can't wait to graduate already, college sucks. I wouldn't do it if we were to go back in time, wouldn't and won't do it again. I don't recommend it. in certain cases it's mandatory, in certain cases, it can negatively impact your life and future. thanks for reading.

fun fun fun... enjoying life in the 20's

3/28/2018 just another awkward day... I lent my notebook out with all my notes expecting to have received it back yesterday but things didn't go according to plan, I then didn't manage to get it back today... 😑 this notebook has all of my notes for both of my classes... I have an exam on Friday in H374 and an exam next Monday in H350. my goodness I opted to not go to my internship today after being told that I could come in, rather I decided to enjoy this random nice weather in RVA and play tennis. honestly this was ultimately a good choice imo, I've been inside for so long now and it's been a bit depressing. I needed to get out and exercise but I now am a bit further behind on my hours. I honestly am hoping that my supervisor will not be so demanding with this process but I'll be going in bright and early tomorrow so we'll see; I might end up actually catching up and completing all 240 hours. Despite the predicted forecast and first half of the day, w...

you can do it - I can, I will, I must

3/27/2018 it's that kind of day, I need it. Nissan GT-R R35 seeing this car is motivation for me, so motivating :P it's already turning out to be one of those days so I need to flip the day over and get some things done. Keep Moving Forward

making progress

3/26/2018 thank goodness, we didn't have nutrition today. that class honestly sucks, the professor is horrible honestly (asshole), and I really don't think more than half the class will retain at least 50% or more of the material post graduating from college. I'll never change my opinion on this it's been another one of those Mondays. unfortunately I witnessed an older woman crash into the side of a parked car as she tried to pull out from behind it. it's not even about age but I certainly have noticed that people who become more experienced with life if you will, or become less involved or caring/aware of their behavior, tend to lose perspective. these are the people that may be more vulnerable to ridiculous errors such as what I saw today. a test this week with a project due in the same class all on the same day, a test next Monday with a project due in my internship's parent class, so much work I managed to help a friend of mine, always makes me happy...

sunday funday - time to crush it

3/25/2018 it's time to dedicate my life to the process it's time to make my goals my life, to make my daily actions meet my values everyday working everyday working on my fitness working out drinking more water stretching more everyday producing content youtube and videos photos/social media content for the website everyday working to be better it's time to crush these last few weeks of young adulthood school and classes student loans business and clients content creation financial management social relationships physical fitness I keep overthinking things with the business but I think I've finally laid out a plan 1 YouTube channel it's me and my journey 1 IG/Twitter/FB for business 1 website (for now) actually things will take a turn here for this post today is a big day honestly; things are about to change for the better it's just me, myself, and I doing this thing so I really need to be committed, I need to enjoy it like I...

nothing and nobody can or would ever be perfect, but we can strive to be our best :)

3/24/18 I can't even believe that I missed 3 whole days (technically 2) of the daily blog. I honestly don't even fully recall how it happened but honestly I've been busy, like extremely busy. H374 kept me really busy, we had an assignment due last night that I literally had been working on everyday this past week. I managed to pull quite a few hours at my internship and was thankfully able to work on myself and my business. I uploaded another video for you guys and was able to go out skateboarding for some time, by myself of course. I seem to be doing a lot on my own right now which I honestly think is a good thing, I'm working on myself. I have to be the best me and feel confident and happy with myself before I can have successful relationships with others. I really can't believe I missed some days with the blog, as much as I want to say that it won't happen again I really was not expecting to have missed these previous days. What I'm considering is; st...

snow on the 1st day of spring :) but I'm happy

3/21/2018 times like this I really can't wait to be where I wanna be. this environment I'm in, the people I have to deal with, life in general is just not reflective of me and what I want it to be. It's snowing out, the roads are honestly bad, not only do I live pretty far from campus but there are potentially thousands of other students that also don't live on campus yet VCU decides to remain open leaving the discretion up to us. they basically tell us to make our best judgement as to whether to travel to our classes that we're paying so much for/can't afford to miss. The professors? they most often, or at least all of mine, have the mindsets of people living before the 21st century. to say that "if the school is open then class continues" thereby meaning that by not coming to class you fall behind simply has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. Last time I checked this is 2018, we have the internet... basically we don't have to b...

make it happen - Tuesday

3/20/2018 I'm not too sure why I'm doing this whole new title thing but anyways hopefully this will be a week to remember; it will be. anyways back again early for the blog, today will be yet another good day. yesterday went well, besides nutrition of course. the professor is an absolute idiot, I honestly am done with the guy. however, it was a pretty good day and I managed to make a little progress. today -  I want to get a lot more done. this lab assignment for my h374 biomechanics class is taking much much longer than I'd hoped and unfortunately I only have until Friday to submit it. but i expect to do very well on it and will hopefully be able to do rather well in the class overall. I haven't even logged into my new website since purchasing it so I need to do that. I'm hoping to upload another video for the YouTube channel today. and I really want to get back into my zone of constantly uploading and basically always working on this business. my business ...

start your day right - Monday

3/19/2018 It's Monday Let's go! Let's make today a great day, Let's own it I've cleaned up a little, working on the business now, about to get in a good workout before my LONG BORING nutrition class my plan is to get a video done today, idk if I want to bring my camera out so I may use my iPhone for this, we'll see I always hope to do multiple posts and say I'll make the posts better day by day but tbh it's tough. I can't give too much priority to this blog considering it's low value to what I'm doing but I have much appreciation for the few of you that do read my blog and keep up with what I'm doing. I'm really hoping to make the transition over to uploading very frequently on my YouTube channel and build my audience there. As much as I am not looking forward to my nutrition class I am motivated to get out. I'm going to own today. unfortunately thus far (I nearly forgot) I've already skipped my 12pm class but ho...

striving for more

3/18/2018 I win even when I lose :P it's a song lyric from a song by a pretty cool artist that I'm following now on YouTube educate, motivate, inspire keep moving forward, positive vibes only make the best of every day, own your day we do what we have to do to be able to do what we wanna do I can't wait to have my supercar, either the Nissan GT-R or the Charger Hellcat, idk something flashy though for my first car anyways guys, I'm gonna try to give some more value here but I've pretty much wasted a bunch of my free time. today was yet another good day, met up with my business partner, played some tennis, now it's time to work. I have a lot of homework, I have a lot of work (goals/feats to be done) with my business, and I want to begin to change my ways. I consume caffeine too often, I don't stretch, I'm not really *doing much, I'm not in the most healthy of situations, I don't drink water, lol, and I just wanna be better it's t...


3.17.18 another fun saturday, another great Saint Patrick's Day here in the states I don't even know why we celebrate this or what led to this holiday is this even a national holiday or international google... " Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick, is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick, the foremost patron saint of Ireland." thanks Google, well Wikipedia =) alright guys, i think that tonight will be a late one... I haven't been sleeping well anyways so why not work. then tomorrow I'm making it a goal to get out and be productive. I either wanna go hangout with a friend of mine, or go do something that could and most likely would be filmed; either driving, skating, or walking around somewhere. tomorrow I also really need to do a lot of catching up; on everything. the blog, I honestly have not be reading my old posts and a major reason behind why I do this is to be ...

How do you spend your fridays? This is what I do --- work :P

3/16/2018 man, so many responsibilities. life is a hassle. all revolving around money of course: bills, places to be, things to get done; it never ends. I'll honestly be so happy to be done with college. a major goal of mine once I graduate is to of course find a decent job or to be making enough money to live comfortably and to then get my own place. I definitely need my own space; idc how I do it whether I have to find a roommate or whatever I just have to go. I need my own space and I need time to myself away from all this nonsense. I believe that I myself and very optimistic, I love life and enjoy the simple things in life, and have very big aspirations in life. I literally see myself going on vacation to somewhere with mountains to just enjoy the view, enjoy nature, and definitely get away from all this online media drama. just remember guys, always remain humble, always remain positive. life is never predictable, you just don't know what's gonna happen next. ...


3/15/2018 alright guys, I didn't start my website last night but today is my day. today is a new day. today is a great day. I'm feeling motivated, I'm feeling inspired, I'm gonna go get it. I'm about to leave now for my internship. I don't feel like going but I'm gonna get some food, do whatever I need to do to wake myself up, and kill it (figuratively of course). I'm gonna make today a good day. there will hopefully be a second post this evening if I can. until then

it's already the middle of the week my goodness

3/14/2018 guys, if there's another lesson I can provide that I myself also need to remember; don't spread yourself to thin. I think that's how you say it, basically don't take more on than you can chew. lol, basically, don't overload yourself. Self Discipline it's a habit. it's an urge. it's a choice. I have to meet my goals, I have to get to work, I have to do this I can do this, I will do this, I must do this no more bs'ing I'm starting my website today... those that truly support me will go follow... those that really like what I'm doing will really be a part of this because it's what I'm doing I've come up with excuses, formed too many stories against starting and now we're almost 4 months into the new year. my "business partner" who gave us the goal of acquiring our desired items and meeting financial goals by this year - I don't know I cannot speak on behalf, I cannot make someone else, I am ...

make it a habit tuesday

3/13/2018 I hope you guys enjoyed yesterday's post. thank you guys so much for reading, for consistently coming back to this blog. we average about 9 views a day, a little over 300 views a month, and we're getting close to being at 6 months of consistent daily blogs. it's been quite the experience. I plan to begin making daily YouTube videos now, I'm still trying to figure out "how" and "where" I will get this done but that's my plan. my main priority isn't just acquiring YouTube fame rather I hope to begin building my audience there. last night was a good intro to what I hope to accomplish with my channel and I hope to begin giving you guys more value here on the blog when I can. I also hope to start my new website this week, I will continue the daily blog here however. My goal is to already have a business plan and small audience in place for the launch of my website. I know exactly how I want it to look including the pages and design...

quite the return after Spring break

3/12/2018 people. the world we live in, the things we have, the current shape of our world is due to people. we as humans have the desire to be social in our DNA. we need each other both figuratively and literally to survive. it's all so interesting to me there's very many roles needed within our world. there's very many roles needed within our societies.    we need doctors, we need people that can cook, we need people to be in charge, and we need people that can build/get things done our lives whether we want to accept it or not revolve around money. we have the choice to not live for the money but to some degree the choices we have and things we do in our lives has something to do with how much money we have or don't have. "someone has to do it," then becomes a common thought we need garbage men, we need someone to just do that job so the grand idea of life is centered around what "job" you have when we talk to 18 year old's...

8 more weeks

3/11/2018 welp, spring break is officially over. today's my last day of fun although I really have to work on my project now for my nutrition class as no one else has stepped up to lead the group. I'm so tired though guys, I may have to go out and do something active today. I really want to put a lot of effort towards my group project, possibly upload a video to my YouTube channel or at least go out and film, and work on my business today. it's a windy and cold day here in rva and I don't just want to do as I normally do and stay in and get nothing done. sadly we've already lost an hour with this ridiculous time change. I now understand a bit more of what it is that I want to have as an integral part of my online business; my marketing business. as a marketer I want to help businesses succeed, if you're a tennis coach and you need more students to give lessons to, if you're a shirt company and you just want to build a bigger audience, or if you're ...

work in progress :P

3/10/2018 it's Saturday already, and it's early. well early enough for my friends from other parts of the world to hopefully see this while the sun is still up. tomorrow's my last day of spring break in what hopefully and I know will be my last semester of college. I didn't have the experience I wanted to with this break but I will try my best to go into these last 8 weeks with more energy and focus to essentially finish strong. the first half was tough and we had some great highlights, this last half of the semester will be equally as difficult if not even more difficult but we can do it. I hate making bold statements such as "today starts," or "today marks the first day I..." so I will just say this, I am planning to take better care of my physical health. I need to stretch more, I want to get on a schedule for my strength training (just push-ups and small stuff), and I want to learn to back flip. Being able to do a back flip and have better bod...

good Friday

3/9/2018 alright guys, another great day. it's Friday, sadly I'm starting the blog rather late which means many of you won't be able to see it in time but I will try my best to finish this quickly. my posts are normally completed later in the day than now but I'm going to try to post earlier for you guys for now on. idk about you guys but I sometimes like being busy. it gets me going and forces me to be energetic and motivated which I guess for me is a bit easier since the normal things I have on my schedule I don't mind. worked a bit x 2 doing fun stuff, then handled my school stuff, lost my car for a bit then got it back all good and new and now I'm home relaxing and "working." I'm gonna try to upload a video for you guys tonight then hopefully do some more filming next week. I really want to pursue this more heavily but we'll see how life goes. here's a little motivation guys, if you need it: you have to believe in yourself i...

challenges are only there to make you stronger

3/8/2018 work work work there's always something going on. stringing a racket, losing my car for half a darn day, playing tennis, school bs, internship bs sadly I didn't pass the Google AdWords assessment here on my second attempt, the third time will certainly be the charm I know it. I earned a 75% this time and all I needed was an 80% to pass, I'm getting closer and feeling more confident. this journey has gotten crazier and crazier and I really feel as if I need to change things. I need to work on myself and renew my energy and passions towards what I'm doing. I remember doing really well in school and feeling much more energetic, things have changed quite a bit. I sometimes think about why I daily blog here. Maybe I won't make an impact or even help people but then I think to myself, I may as well do it anyways. If I can help just 1 person then that's enough for me. anyways guys, I'm gonna go out and try to have a good day, keep moving forward

I rant sometimes :L

3/7/2018 welp, another long day at the internship, but we made it. I managed to pull off 15 hours exactly for this week, 3 hours then 2 hours then 10 full hours today. thankfully this means I'm not only about 35 hours behind where I need to be but my plan is to essentially force myself into finishing this internship quickly. I thankfully was able to speak with the marketing director for the club today and that for sure benefited me on my journey. I feel so noobish and weak when speaking to people who are happy and successful in life, I feel as if I'm so far behind, which I am. as I always mention, I don't live with any regrets nor am I truly unhappy but I am unhappy with where I am and with my current situation, I want more in life. this unhappiness and desire for more only motivates me to keep working harder. I keep being reminded of my age and to remember to enjoy life but honestly I don't want to do anything other than work right now. and this feeling honestly ...

tired... internship is pissing me off

3/6/2018 we just hit 2000 total blog views as of 3/5 - 3/6 2018 counted before this post was published of course. thank you guys so much. I started this blog for me to be able to keep track of my progress and how I use my time as I'm "working so hard" now for my goals. it has been a very interesting journey thus far and by using this platform I have learned a lot. unfortunately guys, my time is frequently being misused, or at least, I'm not spending enough time doing what I really want/need to be doing. I have wanted to order this darn camera for a few days now, I have wanted to get back to working towards my Google Ads certification, I wanted to start my project for my nutrition class. but my damn internship; I spent 3 hours there on Monday and 2 hours there today. I need to be spending at least 15 hours there a week, I don't want to be there every single day. I'd much rather spend a good amount of time there per day to be there for maybe 2 days, 3 da...

most people worked/work really hard on Mondays, I somehow managed not to today :O

3/5/2018 ugh, this internship experience, college in general, sucks. my supervisor is human of course, so even he will sometimes be too busy to reply to text messages, but this completely through off my day. well, kinda. I didn't want to and honestly didn't fully plan to do things as I wanted to but long story short I spent only about 3 hours there today despite my intentions to spend a good 5-10 hours there. oh well as much as I want to go out and film something it's just so chilly here in my area. instead I'm gonna work here from home and possibly play some video games. I'm feeling great and motivated it just sucks that things are the way that they are right now but honestly, it's motivation for me to work harder. I have to work harder if I wanna get out of this situation. ugh, this weather is also bothering my immune system a bit. I've been waking up with cold like symptoms pretty much every day but I'm pretty sure I am not sick, yet. sooo... I...

another great week

3/4/2018 another good Sunday, boy oh boy am I getting old lol well I'm officially on my "break" and to be honest this week needs to be worse than normal. I really need to just spend my entire life over at my internship to catch up on my hours especially considering my goal of finishing my hours before it gets too close to the end of the semester. I also need to catch up and make progress with my other classes while I have time. I have a major project in my nutrition class that I plan to make progress with and honestly finish before going back to classes next week. Thankfully it's still Sunday, in fact... coffee time (I'll be back) about an hour later.. I've got my coffee, finished my dinner and am ready to roll 😎 it's about 7pm right now, haven't heard from my supervisor in spite of the fact that I have already planned to and no matter what will be spending some time with him tomorrow. but it's about 7pm right now on my last day of the weeke...


3/3/2018 what a Saturday. so thankful to have our electricity back.. connecting and building my network as I can.. working harder to be working smarter all while keeping my personality I managed to arrange a lesson with a friend of mine :P it's amazing how effective word of mouth is and just how little we can know about one another as people, until we just use our words. it's the little things such as this that really motivate me. tomorrow I plan to go out and film an awesome video for the YouTube channel. as I've mentioned before I am easy inspired and see opportunity everywhere, I also love good music and with these interests I just love making videos. I'm really hoping to revitalize this craft and to begin producing high quality content for the channel. I'm working really hard on this free digital product for my business. It will contain a lot of valuable information that will hopefully spark interest to and trust within me and my brand. tonight I wann...

this rva weather is crazy, but it's Friday :P

3/2/2018 I'm on spring break! Finally. unfortunately I have not had my coffee and due to the current weather conditions here our power went out and I now cannot make my coffee :( despite running on little sleep I'm gonna make the best of today all starting with this post. I went to my classes and that as of course was a good start but now I'm finally doing what I actually want to be doing. hopefully you guys watched my newest video that I uploaded late last night, I'm hoping to upload another video over the weekend. I'm working hard guys, I'm working very hard. with recent personal issues I now value my time more than ever. right now, this moment, is all that matters to me. I want to be able to provide for myself and my family, to be able to do things that they honestly don't even think about and probably could not imagine. I have big goals and I'm ready to fight for them. I've been asking of the world for more time to focus on myself, the time ...

working hard on a thursday

3/1/2018 my god, it's already the 3rd month of the year my people. we'll be back at January and I'll be turning 24 in no time, Jesus. life moves way too fast. I spent 8 hours at my internship today which felt like forever but honestly because I just sat there mostly, went by pretty quickly. wasting time and wasting life... so, my spring break starts tomorrow, technically. I will be launching my website over the course of this break as well as advancing and improving on my school stuff. with school I'll be spending a bunch of time hopefully at my internship although I don't wanna. I also need to study a lot to prepare for this second half of the semester. with my business I plan to launch my website, but I really want to do it when I am fully ready and prepared to market it using organic traffic. in 2 months I'll either be graduating from college, or planning to repeat one of these stupid classes. hopefully graduating of course. that just scares ...