fun fun fun... enjoying life in the 20's


just another awkward day...

I lent my notebook out with all my notes expecting to have received it back yesterday but things didn't go according to plan, I then didn't manage to get it back today... 😑
this notebook has all of my notes for both of my classes... I have an exam on Friday in H374 and an exam next Monday in H350. my goodness

I opted to not go to my internship today after being told that I could come in, rather I decided to enjoy this random nice weather in RVA and play tennis. honestly this was ultimately a good choice imo, I've been inside for so long now and it's been a bit depressing. I needed to get out and exercise but I now am a bit further behind on my hours. I honestly am hoping that my supervisor will not be so demanding with this process but I'll be going in bright and early tomorrow so we'll see; I might end up actually catching up and completing all 240 hours.

Despite the predicted forecast and first half of the day, we got some rain. The day has been yet another typical for RVA, beautiful and sunny around 70 degrees followed by random rain covering just about all of our surrounding areas.

but I did go to class today :)

life right now is just so stupid honestly; it's just insane. but we're doing it. now it's time to get back to the business for a bit before I'll have to study some more then get some rest to do it all over again.

thanks for reading.


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