make it happen - Tuesday


I'm not too sure why I'm doing this whole new title thing but anyways hopefully this will be a week to remember; it will be.

anyways back again early for the blog, today will be yet another good day. yesterday went well, besides nutrition of course. the professor is an absolute idiot, I honestly am done with the guy. however, it was a pretty good day and I managed to make a little progress.

today -  I want to get a lot more done. this lab assignment for my h374 biomechanics class is taking much much longer than I'd hoped and unfortunately I only have until Friday to submit it. but i expect to do very well on it and will hopefully be able to do rather well in the class overall.

I haven't even logged into my new website since purchasing it so I need to do that. I'm hoping to upload another video for the YouTube channel today. and I really want to get back into my zone of constantly uploading and basically always working on this business. my business has my main focus and I really want to begin pursuing it as if it's my everything.

google ads/fb blueprint certs: need to work on these
but I'm hoping to run some more paid ads very soon for my new digital product and/or live webinars to promote my business

although today seems like another day where I might not leave the house I think that this will be a good opportunity to workout for a bit. I've been challenging myself to workout more frequently and I hope to begin documenting this on the YouTube channel also.

*coffee break

oh no lol, my coffee break lasted too long... I forgot to end this post for Tuesday

I really need to become better organized... anyways time to start Wednesday's post :)

thanks for reading


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