make it a habit tuesday


I hope you guys enjoyed yesterday's post. thank you guys so much for reading, for consistently coming back to this blog. we average about 9 views a day, a little over 300 views a month, and we're getting close to being at 6 months of consistent daily blogs. it's been quite the experience.

I plan to begin making daily YouTube videos now, I'm still trying to figure out "how" and "where" I will get this done but that's my plan. my main priority isn't just acquiring YouTube fame rather I hope to begin building my audience there. last night was a good intro to what I hope to accomplish with my channel and I hope to begin giving you guys more value here on the blog when I can.

I also hope to start my new website this week, I will continue the daily blog here however. My goal is to already have a business plan and small audience in place for the launch of my website. I know exactly how I want it to look including the pages and design but I really want to impact people. that's the goal for any business of course; which is why I want to be a good marketer myself. no way in hell would I want to pay someone else to market my resources, I'd rather be good with marketing and help other's to market their projects.

it's time for me to get to work, no more playing around lol


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