quite the return after Spring break


the world we live in, the things we have, the current shape of our world is due to people.
we as humans have the desire to be social in our DNA.
we need each other both figuratively and literally to survive.

it's all so interesting to me

there's very many roles needed within our world.
there's very many roles needed within our societies.
   we need doctors, we need people that can cook, we need people to be in charge, and we need people that can build/get things done

our lives whether we want to accept it or not revolve around money.
we have the choice to not live for the money but to some degree the choices we have and things we do in our lives has something to do with how much money we have or don't have.

"someone has to do it," then becomes a common thought
we need garbage men, we need someone to just do that job

so the grand idea of life is centered around what "job" you have
when we talk to 18 year old's in the american society at least, the usual question is have you decided what you're gonna do, essentially giving you the limited options

  1. just work; which means going after a simple job, usually not paying more than $15 dollars an hour
    1. this is actually a very good option; I'll explain more in a bit
  2. college; what all of america wants to hear, considers to be your best option if you want to be successful
  3. military; not many take this although it can be a rather lucrative and rewarding option
my goal is to help 18 year old's realize, well not just 18 year old's but especially young people, realize that they have many, many more options. there is no right or wrong with this choice and people for sure need to hear that many of the world's most leading and successful people are speaking on the benefits of solely chasing after your dreams/passions in life, not going with the flow/what society expects or wants from you.

another good perspective on life; either you're winning or you're losing. either you're working towards your dreams or you're working someone else's dreams: specifically meaning, you're working some job that will aid in someone else's pursuit of their dreams. either you're the boss or you're not.

out of all the great influencers I've either listened to or read books by I think that some of the most important information I took in was from Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad." you have 4 avenues of wealth in life:
  1. business owner
  2. investor
  3. self employed
  4. employee
alright guys, sadly I must spend time elsewhere but if you enjoyed this post be sure to leave a like and comment, share around!
this was a bit of a rant, here's the story from today

dumbass and yes dumbass college professor. VCU officially closes at around 5:15, I believe 5:30 was what was mentioned in our text alert yes this annoying professor decides that this notification does not apply to our class. our class runs 4pm to 6:40pm and so we were mid way through our class. everyone wanted to leave of course yet as usual, he has a few "fanboy" students whom maybe love him just for him honestly. I personally am not very fond of the guy, cannot wait to not be in his class again. I'm sorry for the rant but it's people such as this that create problems in our world, he requests that our desks be cleaned before we enter (you may think that this is nice, I think it's quite stupid and unnecessary as we're adults), his grading policy and policy on cell phones and laptops is simply embarrassing. 

I honestly wish that I could voice my opinion to someone who would care as we truly were in class while the university was closed and the professor knew it. we were dismissed by the university as it was snowing outside and the conditions were worsening, I'm not complaining as if the conditions were truly bad rather, this professor and his personality annoy me. I have nothing nice to say about the guy and can't wait to do bigger things in life and not have to be around people such as himself.

thanks for reading.


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