I actually got sick


I'm an idiot guys, idk if I've said this before but I am for sure an idiot. I'm making life way too difficult for myself with personal issues that need to be addressed now. I can't keep doing this same stuff next year. I was up till 4am last night just wasting time. After finishing the lab report which I think I mentioned in the last post I went on to edit a little and work on the make-up lab which I need to finish asap. 4AM! And knowing me my first thought was, there's no way I can go in for my internship at 8am, no way. The day was already going to be long with an internship from 8am to 12pm then work from 3pm to 8pm but I also was becoming slightly sick. Upon turning my computer off around 4am I realized that my throat was extremely dry and that I was much colder than I should've been. Just my luck.

But I'm gonna stop with all that here. The good part of the day was meeting a fellow intern from VCU while at my internship. Talking with her really made me realize that I need both more friends (people I can talk with daily), and I need a girlfriend lol. I just really enjoy talking and meeting people and I really like to be surrounded with energy filled, positive people. What amazes me more which I'm finding more and more now is the occurrence of other students, people around my age that have a similar opinion on college. My now friend and fellow intern at ACAC is also going to graduate with a bachelors in Exercise Science with no intentions of working in the field. I mean everyday you hear about people not working in their fields of study so I really have to ask, why the hell are we wasting so much time and money? College has simply been nothing more than stressful and annoying for me, I'm not living life man. As an optimist I try to see the positive in everything but literally I can't handle all this book stuff and financial stress right now. I can't even afford the simply things like colored socks, clothes in general, or even foods I prefer because of COLLEGE.

Okay no more ranting I promise.

I'm expecting to have this video done for you guys by tomorrow although I really need to also have that make-up lab report completed by then. But I'm gonna get it done. I need to go over my finances again so that I can make some moves for the business.

On the list we have:

  • Go-Pro, but not a Go-Pro, I'm going with a different branded action camera for much cheaper.
  • The accessories for this Go-Pro
  • I'm gonna order a bunch of my merch and do direct sales, would for sure be willing to give some away for free to my true supporters.
  • I have to pay for this semester of school :)
  • Phone mount for my car
  • A new pair of jeans
  • Christmas gifts for the family
  • External hard drive
I think there's a few more items but those are most important right now and will hopefully all be taken care of this week. I also want to re-invest the forty or so dollars I've made online into advertisements for my YouTube channel and/or other social media including this blog.

Again for those that haven't watched my videos or if you're just new here, I do online surveys occasionally and I've saved up about $40. Checkout my YouTube channel here to go see that video on the surveys I do, I mentioned it during the video "How I manage my time."

Alright guys, I've got a lot of work to do here so I'm gonna end the post here. Keep moving forwards. See you tomorrow.


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