this rva weather is crazy, but it's Friday :P


I'm on spring break! Finally. unfortunately I have not had my coffee and due to the current weather conditions here our power went out and I now cannot make my coffee :(
despite running on little sleep I'm gonna make the best of today all starting with this post. I went to my classes and that as of course was a good start but now I'm finally doing what I actually want to be doing. hopefully you guys watched my newest video that I uploaded late last night, I'm hoping to upload another video over the weekend.

I'm working hard guys, I'm working very hard. with recent personal issues I now value my time more than ever. right now, this moment, is all that matters to me. I want to be able to provide for myself and my family, to be able to do things that they honestly don't even think about and probably could not imagine. I have big goals and I'm ready to fight for them. I've been asking of the world for more time to focus on myself, the time is now. I still have to/want to get some hours done at my internship over the course of this break so that I can begin to catch up and progress with that "task," but I hopefully will be able to manage my time wisely.

now enough of the I; I'm hoping that you guys reading this, whatever audience I have and possibly will ever have are taking from what I'm providing and making use of it. sure, I like most if not all other entrepreneurs, including YouTubers do what I do and expect some kind of return. It's just business as they say. The exchange or trade between people is a beautiful thing honestly and honestly allows us to live in the world that we have. However in my situation, despite not receiving any returns yet for what I provide I hope that this means that people are utilizing or at least benefiting from what I give out.
similar to just about any entrepreneur out there, I do what I do to give back. I personally have the belief that we as humans all want to be surrounded by other people and have good intentions including a desire to help. that's just my belief. but with this assumption, I believe that we all do give back just in different ways and to different degrees. personal trainers help people feel better, chefs help people by providing good food, athletes provide motivation and then usually education to see more people play their sport. I personally want to become financially free as I've mentioned before. I desire to live a lifestyle where I don't trade my time for money, rather I work where I want and never truly have to "work" a day in my life. by getting to this point, I then want to help people to also get to this point. honestly, I would love to get to my financial goals of being financially free, by helping people with their financial goals and personal goals; I therefore want to be a social influencer/ global marketer/big brother to anyone

guys, as I'm sitting here watching these darn videos I can't help but think, man I wish I knew now back when I was younger. Just 4/5 years ago and I would for sure be in a different situation right now, I would be a different man. as of course I don't regret anything nor am I discouraged by this but here is a bit of what I'm learning:

  1. life is a test
    1. with the system we have here in America, you are constantly fighting failure. the system is designed to fail you, people in general whether you're family has money to support you or not.
      1. as I've grown up seeing how some kids grow up with money, only getting to see in videos - kids growing up to actual rich parents. it all makes a huge difference of course but we as individuals have to have the spark/drive about us to keep going forward. just because you were born rich does not mean that you personally will always be rich in your life.
      2. the government/schools/taxes it's all interrelated of course and this just solidifies the idea that it's tough. you can't afford to get into trouble, you're expected to do certain things or follow a path similar to those around you of course. we're all taught to go to school, the smart people go to college, then you get a job. it's those who defeat this system that truly become great. 
  2. it's so much easier to live life on your own terms
    1. life truly can be hell if you make it. if you're living someone else's dream - example, going to college because your parents want you to, you'll never be happy. 
Sorry guys, we unfortunately lost power/electricity here locally, pretty much half the city is without power so I must stop today’s post here. I was fortunate enough to be able to conclude the post on my phone but now it’s time to deal with everything else. However, I am still able to work on my business tonight, I am currently working on my free digital products for my website/business which I’m hoping to launch very soon. 
Thanks for reading, see you guys tomorrow, hopefully. 


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