working hard on a thursday


my god, it's already the 3rd month of the year my people. we'll be back at January and I'll be turning 24 in no time, Jesus. life moves way too fast. I spent 8 hours at my internship today which felt like forever but honestly because I just sat there mostly, went by pretty quickly. wasting time and wasting life...
so, my spring break starts tomorrow, technically. I will be launching my website over the course of this break as well as advancing and improving on my school stuff.

with school

  • I'll be spending a bunch of time hopefully at my internship although I don't wanna. I also need to study a lot to prepare for this second half of the semester.
with my business
  • I plan to launch my website, but I really want to do it when I am fully ready and prepared to market it using organic traffic.
in 2 months I'll either be graduating from college, or planning to repeat one of these stupid classes. hopefully graduating of course. that just scares me a bit, I'm not ready lol. I'm not ready regarding maturity and in the literal sense, I am not ready. I don't have a job lined up, my business is still "under construction," and I honestly have been so tired and unmotivated lately which won't bode well for being successful.

alright anyways guys, tomorrow I will try to provide some good content for the blog, tonight I must make some money - work. 

thanks for reading


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