another great week

another good Sunday, boy oh boy am I getting old lol
well I'm officially on my "break" and to be honest this week needs to be worse than normal. I really need to just spend my entire life over at my internship to catch up on my hours especially considering my goal of finishing my hours before it gets too close to the end of the semester. I also need to catch up and make progress with my other classes while I have time. I have a major project in my nutrition class that I plan to make progress with and honestly finish before going back to classes next week.
Thankfully it's still Sunday, in fact... coffee time (I'll be back)

about an hour later.. I've got my coffee, finished my dinner and am ready to roll 😎
it's about 7pm right now, haven't heard from my supervisor in spite of the fact that I have already planned to and no matter what will be spending some time with him tomorrow. but it's about 7pm right now on my last day of the weekend and I plan to make progress with that class assignment, make progress with my business stuff, play some video games, and possibly edit up another video. in fact yes, I probably will also get that video done.

I have so many ideas for the YouTube channel. my creativity is coming back and my ability to see ideas, my level of optimism, and eye for opportunity is constantly growing right now.

you not only transform you.. you transform the world around you.. and we collectively would transform the world as we know it today... to make this world a better place 

wow I just heard that in a motivational video, my goodness did that resonate for me, that heavily describes what I wanna stand for, who I wanna be.

I often times get discouraged when facing reality, I often times find myself holding back, but times like this I really begin to understand that nothing great comes easy. It will be easy for me to give up on my dreams, to not even try to do the things that I want to do, to do what the people around me believe that I should do.     no... I can't... I won't

almost 6 months of daily blogging and if there's anything that I have learned throughout and from this journey is that I have to keep fighting, I have to keep believing, as I tell you guys everyday, we have to keep moving forward.
I have to believe in myself more than anyone else and that is especially true for me. no one around here dreams as big as I do, no one around here has aspirations to go as far as I do, they want and take the easy route. everyone around here seemingly says the same things, it's funny now when I think about it.

as I listen to those speaking in this video, several different highly influential people whose names I can't remember but have listened to before, I'm hit again with another important message for myself.

I need to stop spreading myself too thin, I need to learn to say no as my time for myself is honestly my most valuable time. those who support me would understand, those who support me would want to invest (whether it be their time/energy/money) in me rather than me having to just go out and spend time with them as I'm working. I have a goal here and I have to be working every day for this, I want it more than anything else.

anyways guys, thanks for reading. I have a special idea for tomorrow's post, stay tuned... until then


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