

another fun saturday, another great Saint Patrick's Day here in the states
I don't even know why we celebrate this or what led to this holiday
is this even a national holiday or international


"Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick, is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick, the foremost patron saint of Ireland."

thanks Google, well Wikipedia =)

alright guys, i think that tonight will be a late one... I haven't been sleeping well anyways so why not work. then tomorrow I'm making it a goal to get out and be productive. I either wanna go hangout with a friend of mine, or go do something that could and most likely would be filmed; either driving, skating, or walking around somewhere.

tomorrow I also really need to do a lot of catching up; on everything. the blog, I honestly have not be reading my old posts and a major reason behind why I do this is to be able to go back and track my progress.

anyways guys I'm gonna end the post here, I've dragged it out long enough time wise. it's currently 11pm here 😔


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