nothing and nobody can or would ever be perfect, but we can strive to be our best :)


I can't even believe that I missed 3 whole days (technically 2) of the daily blog. I honestly don't even fully recall how it happened but honestly I've been busy, like extremely busy. H374 kept me really busy, we had an assignment due last night that I literally had been working on everyday this past week. I managed to pull quite a few hours at my internship and was thankfully able to work on myself and my business. I uploaded another video for you guys and was able to go out skateboarding for some time, by myself of course. I seem to be doing a lot on my own right now which I honestly think is a good thing, I'm working on myself. I have to be the best me and feel confident and happy with myself before I can have successful relationships with others.

I really can't believe I missed some days with the blog, as much as I want to say that it won't happen again I really was not expecting to have missed these previous days. What I'm considering is; starting next week we only have 2 or 3, maybe even just 1 planned post per week with any other postings occurring at random. I simply don't think I can keep up with the daily blog, school has to be my main priority right now so that I can graduate and then have my time and freedom back to build these platforms to something bigger and better than ever imagined.

here's some of what has transpired over the past few days:

  • I'm considering quitting caffeine on top of all the other health related things I'm trying to implement
    • I also want to begin working out while at home more regularly
    • I for sure need to be drinking more water
  • My friend purchased a new car
  • I am nearly ready to launch my website
that's pretty much it, nothing exciting unfortunately but I'm hoping to begin changing my life for the better starting today. I want to have more natural energy to go out and chase my dreams, I want to get this college thing behind me, and I want to make a change both in my life as well as the people around me. It just feels as if I'm in a dull, non energized, boring environment and place in life right now and I'm tired of it. I want to do more, to have more, and to accomplish more things. I feel as if I can do it then I can motivate others to do it; to just be happy in general. Life doesn't have to be all about the media and trying to be better than everyone else; everyone can be happy; everyone can achieve their goals.

I'll pick this back up after work guys, or while at work.

alright so there was a lot to do while at work so I'm back now long after starting the post and a while after getting off work.

Always remember, you have to be yourself. Chase your dreams and pursue whatever it is that YOU want in life. don't let the opinions of nobody, not family or friends and definitely not those of people you don't know get in the way of your dreams. I hate the fact that family themselves are the first to get in the way of your dreams. it doesn't matter if they know best, or if they think that they do, this is your life so live it.

I have a message for the world, a purpose to pursue and I'm giving it everything I got, I'm working everyday I get to see to reach my goals. "I won't stop till I reach my gooooaals..."
-lyrics from a song I love hearing, it was used for a friend of mine's gaming video.
Matrix & Futurebound ft. Luke Bingham - All I know

Alright guys it's getting late so I will end today's post here and hopefully be back tomorrow.
Thanks for reading


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