

$31,000 in debt after 5 years of college :)
(about $20-30,000 paid off throughout the years) - desperate situations
my government recommends at least a yearly salary of $48,000 in order to truly afford this debt lol, I had no idea they gave opinions such as this
they actually gave a lot of helpful information regarding my situation and I am trying to remain optimistic

unfortunately I'm not 100% done just yet
an exam in h374 and h350, both of my classes on Monday
I desperately need to pass both to be able to graduate

I have to schedule and then complete the ACSM exam (~$200 or $350)
I also need to finalize everything with my supervisor at my internship
I then need to make sure that I will be a part of this graduation ceremony in 2 weeks :L

I am so ready to have this behind me


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