never lose


I just wanna start today's post by saying thanks so much to everyone that supports me, especially Liana! when you do get the chance to read this post Liana just know that you are appreciated and that the daily blog is going no where.

today was yet another good day. woke up late, went to the internship for a bit, and now I'm back doing homework.
life in your 20's is crazy!

I didn't get the part of my new video filmed that I really want to include 😔
I'm hoping to get it filmed tomorrow but idk if I will be able to make it happen. The day is looking like - internship at 7am, class at 8am to 9:40am with a quiz, class at 12-12:50, studying with a friend of mine at 1pm, then internship at some point in the evening.
Another fun day, I don't really wanna do any of it, not even the studying lol

what I'm looking forward to getting done/stuff I don't mind doing over the next few days
-car insurance/ car inspection/ car recall/ tags & taxes  (I mind but idc about it)
-8 videos for the YouTube channel that I currently have on my mind to be uploaded within the next couple days
-building my email list and speaking with my followers
-creating my website/building my business
-car show next Friday

there's tons more stuff going on but ehh I have some good stuff to look forward to.

Idk about you guys but I find that just getting up and doing stuff makes you feel better. Just get up and go do it.

Next week is valentines week :)

thanks for reading. until tomorrow


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Derrick,
    I made a mistake ...I was removing my message for you. Again: It's a honor for me to read my name in your blog. Always believe in yourself and stay in the moments. I will always support you , no matter what. And I read every post at your blog. Every day is for me not always a top day, but I will never give up. Learning my lessons in life and working very hard to reach my goals, make many mistakes and choices. But Life is teaching me how to move forwards in life . That counts for you too my dear beautiful friend. Never give up. Follow your dreams and your goals. I am very proud at you...)
    Take enough rest in your life and step by step you are gonna make it.
    Thank you my dear friend. Have a nice weekend !
    I look forwards to your sharings/ postings and video's and a lot more. Take your time:-)) And if you need me, I will be there. I was working today but never mind , helping people is my work. It's evening right now here .

    1. Hey Liana, no worries I received both of your messages in my email although you removed the first from the blog. Thanks so much for your kind words and continued support, you also are one of my best friends and biggest motivators here on G+

      I appreciate you telling me to take rest and to take things step by step as sometimes I forget to enjoy the moment but your support always helps and those you support will always show our support back to you! Thanks so so much!!!!!!!!

    2. Dear Derrick,
      I'm very glad that you receive my other message too . And yes you're awesome a very lovely friend. I will always be there
      Take rest and sometimes a time out. If you do that new ideas are coming into your mind .if you are stressed it's very difficult for the mind and the body. Don't spoil your energy .
      Have a nice Sunday my dear friend ☕enjoy your day !


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