graduation in 2 weeks


Monday's :P
I still have so much growing up to do but hey, we're living life.
hopefully gonna make this a great week and get some stuff done.


Fun Fun Fun, my goodness
this week is already just being that typically kind of week for this semester
this internship experience 😌
I just can't wait to be done with this college crap; it hasn't been fun honestly
very soon I'll hopefully be working, paying back my debts, and probably still single yay!
5 years to get a degree
as I've said before man... we only get one life
people aren't going to consider others, especially not those facing difficult times who aren't happy with their lives... they tend to make others unhappy... they lose perspective

I never want to be that kind of person. I love helping people and seeing others win
welp... time to do homework as usual then hopefully I'll get to finish my videos or work on my business


Mom's bday at the start of the week and my little cousin's bday at the start of next week
it's been a crazy week though but I can't complain

making money, internship, skipping class, and moving forward
something I don't get, how can you plan a graduation party when you're unsure if you're gonna graduate 😕 h350 has to be one of the most annoying experiences I've ever put myself in, that's the one area that has me unsure as to whether I'll be graduating in 2 weeks or not

I just can't wait to be out of this situation, it's not even about being done with college
the people I'm surrounded with and the things I'm doing just don't fulfill my life; I'm way too unhappy and the people around me honestly aren't happy
I want to live life to the fullest and right now I don't even feel the potential energy I once felt within


boy oh boy please don't let there be an exam tomorrow, I should've gone to class yesterday but oh well...
we keep moving forward
getting all the good stuff done that I have to be getting done
we do what we have to do to be able to do what we wanna do :) the quote of the day

YOUTUBE... I need to get back to work asap
hopefully new video tonight


I have so much to work on no matter I'm stuck
- so much to change/improve upon within myself which explains why I have no friends and my social life is bad
- so much to change/improve upon such as my habits and daily actions which is why I'm not making any progress

it's all a process and I am beyond ready to move forward, not to see results but just to move forward... I have patience but at the same time I don't want to be wasting my life... wasting my time/money/energy

I always enjoying seeing the car culture and variety of cars at our local Cars & Coffee gathering but sometimes, just sometimes my mood is lessened after leaving. as my friend and business partner said today, it's just not fun watching other people have fun especially when we have the same idea of "fun"

anyways thanks so much for reading, it's been another good week


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