day 1 - time to get it together


it's time for a change. unfortunately guys, I did not pass my first half of the examination process for my certification in Google Ads. I'm a bit disappointed honestly but when I consider my current situation, how everything else has been going, and my overall efforts towards life lately, it's not that shocking. I have not been giving my best effort towards anything - my social relationships, my physical health, school, my business

it's just been tough lately and I am for sure spreading myself too thin and asking for too much. as cool as it sounds to be doing so much it for sure isn't cool at all if I'm failing at everything I'm doing. I didn't pass this exam, haven't been doing as well as I can in school, and life just isn't how I want it to be. but today we change that, as you guys know I never let anything keep me down for too long. as the greats say, pain is temporary

I'm about 12 minutes from actively skipping my class, I'm not going lol. I decided this upon waking up this morning, thankfully I'm doing okay in the class and I plan to use as much time as I can today getting things back together. I'm gonna workout for a bit, study for my Nutrition class as our first exam is next Monday, and just try to get back on track. I have an exam (2) later this week in the class I'm skipping today but I plan to study for that class later tonight and all day tomorrow.

my internship for sure will just get in my way. the weather is gonna be so nice this week and I could really use some time to get out and get my head together but I really should be spending 15 hours a week at my internship; and I'm already behind on hours 😒

anyways guys let's make today a good day, the weather is crappy here but today I must move forward. I plan to work again tonight as expected, on getting this certification as for me right now, my main goal is making sure I have a successful life after college. if you have not already noticed, I uploaded a video late last night talking about my experience with college. there will be many more videos coming soon on this, in fact I'm hoping to begin the transition to daily vlogging instead of or in addition to the daily blog to document this journey.

for someone in my position, it's tough. school is hell and life really isn't all that great either yet I continue. I only get a few readers on my blog and have a small following on my business platforms yet I go on, I'm doing this for more than just myself.

thank you for reading, thank you for supporting


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