not the best Friday


man oh man, another crazy but not even crazy day. everything happens for a reason right?

ugh, I'm so tired of hearing how young I am. I feel very old. To be specific, I just don't feel as if I have all the fun options that I had when I truly was young.
I'm always tired, I'm always working, I'm always stressed.
This can't be the end, this can't be what life is all about.

my car insurance is due
I'm only about 50 hours into my internship
my car needs to be inspected
my car is burning more gas than normal
my job sucks
my classes are uninteresting

I need to drink more water
I need to stretch more
I need to be more social

ugh, life is tough
I need a break guys

tomorrow's post will hopefully be better


  1. haha take a break !
    Ughhh sometimes you are make me laughing. You're postings at your blog so very spontaneous lol look like me . I need to drink more water and need more sleep and my car is very slowly . I need to be social and doing my work-out and stretching and yoga and a lot more but I am too tired for this. We need more time my dear friend but we have only 24 hours at one day Behhh . I keep in touch. Soon I go to sleep : Writing this message at 10 february : 22:00 pm

    1. haha thanks Liana :)
      but yes we are one in the same, if I could stay in bed for as long as I wanted that would be a good day, but as you said we only have 24 hours in one day. Thanks for reading and commenting, you also need to rest my friend haha I will try to begin posting earlier so that you can actually have time to read them


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