the fourth week of 2018


alright guys for this post I just want to reflect on life and to just acknowledge how far we've gotten. in a matter of days I may finally be settled, long story short. I'm becoming more accustomed to how life will be for the next couple months which I ultimately have to be in order to make all this stuff happen. my post from earlier was just me rambling, getting everything off my mind, and mostly showing what I'm doing right now.

my nutrition class will require at least more effort towards studying on my part than what I've been putting in over the past, well life time. my bio-mechanics class will seemingly require a good amount of effort also as the professor has seemed to have changed things around for this year. my YouTube channel is flowing, I'm recording and uploading regularly which makes me very happy. I'm hoping to buy that external hard drive soon so that I can continue making videos. my internship is going pretty well, looks like I may be spending a bunch more time there very soon. I'll most likely be helping out with their tennis stuff which if you don't know, I'm a certified instructor. i'm hoping to begin studying marketing through facebook ads and google ads by next week. my plan is to either try to find free options or to use a platform like coursera if I can't find a free option. I think it would be largely beneficial to have a certification in google adwords, facebook ads, and any other online ads platform upon graduating to ultimately find an entry level position. my goal of course is to be able to work from home but my time is only diminishing towards finding this goal by the time where I'll "have to find a job."

I just wanna say that I'm so thankful for everything I have, everyone I have in my life, and to just still be here in this position that I'm in. as much as I complain, stress, and worry I cannot say thank you enough for this life. I don't take for granted the position I'm in and I am not nor will I ever allow myself to unappreciative for what I have. as a 23 year old American I don't take for granted the opportunities present to me, those that I'm already living in or those that I even have in my day to day life.

I believe that our innate "job" that is preset for each of us upon birth is to help one another. we are so vastly different from one another, culturally, physically, in intelligence, and even creativity. this difference between us is what makes us all so special. if one needed an example of what I mean here and how this truly does occur naturally in our world think of this:
when you're hungry, which restaurant do you go to? let's just go with McDonald's as an example as everyone should know of this global fast food chain. So if you choose this restaurant you are making the choice to support Mr. McDonald whether you know it or not. at the end of the long chain of those profiting off of this billion or trillion dollar business, the ceo Mr. McDonald is always profiting. why? Because McDonald's was his dream, he made this chain, he set out the plan for local McDonald's, along with a team I would assume.

long story short, the entrepreneur, someone with enough heart and bravery to carry out their visions to reality are the ones who create what we become so accustom to that we often times won't even need to know who created the business. rather we become more so focused on the business creation, McDonald's for example.

anyways guys, I will continue this discussion tomorrow. Finally I'll have a day (tomorrow evening) to get back to my real work. I plan to stop by the bank after my 12pm class to create my new bank account, then I wanna start my new website, then get back to create more content for both the blog and my YouTube channel. aside from that it'll just be creating content (word of mouth) for marketing, spreading the word as best I can about my brand, and then ultimately getting to my school stuff.

see you guys tomorrow


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