it never stops, so why should we :P


Okay so school starts in about 4/5 days and that means life will be changing. The homework has already started, I really need to be reading and studying now if I'm serious about passing this one class in Nutrition. As I've mentioned before in a previous post, my other class I'm not too worries about since I literally just "failed" it last semester. Anyways, I cannot wait to graduate.

So here's gonna be my daily stuff, what's gonna be on my mind, everything I'll be focusing on. This will probably be the only place I post some of this stuff.

  • I want to just start investing in stocks. I'll probably download Stash, Acorns, or Robinhood this weekend and begin investing what little money I have to play with. And don't worry guys, when I say little I mean maybe $100 if I don't have to get gas again next week. (I'm a broke college kid if you didn't know lol)
  • My 2 classes, 1 will take extreme focus, the other not so much however it will be extremely tedious. Homework is so unnecessary but I for sure will be getting a lot of it.
  • Daily blogging here will continue, not sure if I'm going to be doing the website now as plans may be changing :/
  • The YouTube channel: I'm hoping to begin uploading like every other day if not once a day eventually leading up to a point where I am always filming for the channel. Even if I just do short 5 minute live sessions from my laptop I think that I can make my vision a reality. I want to fully document, starting now at least, my entire journey to graduating college and beyond. This was of course my dream as of starting the YouTube journey early last year but I went through all the struggles as most other YouTubers do. I struggled with finding ideas to film, I needed a better camera than just my iPhone which always seems to be out of space, I struggled with being in front of the camera, I've been through it all. But now I love being in front of the camera, I'm getting better at creating entertaining videos, at least I hope so, so I'm going to make this work.
And that my friends is pretty much it. I've been creating a bunch of these lists the past few days, studying a whole lot of stuff the past 2 weeks, and setting a ton of goals with plans for actions while on break but unfortunately time has caught up with me. It's now time to set realistic and manageable routines for the tasks that I will follow for the next 4 months.

While I've learned a lot about affiliate marketing, drop-shipping, and Amazon FBA over the past few weeks I honestly don't feel ready to start any of them. I'm already posting affiliate links on my YouTube channel, essentially using free traffic for affiliate marketing so if any of you actually read this and you want to support me you can click on one of the amazon links in one of my videos for example, and purchase anything you like, anything that you were already going to buy for example and it would help me out a ton. But for now I simply don't think that I'm ready to start an affiliate website with the attempt of trying to get traffic to then make sales. As for drop-shipping, I literally consider just starting a shopify store almost daily as this form of business is just so easy however again, I don't have enough time to truly learn about finding traffic. And Amazon FBA I simply don't think that I could manage as for right now with my class load and internship.

Obviously things will hopefully change as I become comfortable with my new life schedule but for now the easiest thing for me to do is to sorta stick to what I'm already doing. I will have to be studying a lot, I will be over at my internship a lot, I believe that I can cut up and upload videos in a quick and efficient manner so that I can maintain. And business wise, investing I think that I'll be able to handle.

For those interested in investing in the stock market or if you already have investments, my approach will be very simple. Mostly trading for the dividends of larger/older companies with some swing trades as I keep somewhat notice on the market. 

As for the YouTube channel I will be going over affiliate marketing, drop shipping, Amazon FBA, trading, playing tennis & becoming a certified coach, getting through college, and anything/everything else that could possibly help or motivate others. I plan to have courses and to do consulting and/or whatever I can do to help others to achieve the same successes that are soon to come for me. 

Thankfully through networking I have been meeting great contacts and will hopefully be able to survive with a sustainable job after graduating which will all be documented on my channel also.

Thanks for reading guys, thanks for caring. 

Until tomorrow


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