I manifest my own destiny


Another good Thursday, another day closer to freedom for me lol. Everyday is a great day and I believe that we should make the best of everyday we are fortunate to see; tomorrow isn't promised. I had a great time at my internship, got a little work done there and now I'm back at home. I have to work on my bad sleeping habits starting tonight honestly as I have to be up at 6am to play tennis.

Finally guys, my goodness. I ordered something on the 7th and it finally was sent out for shipping as of tomorrow? It said, shipping date for shipped out on 1/12/2018 and last time I checked, that's tomorrow lol.

Anyways that purchase was made purely for my social media stuff, it's a prop if you will, I'm so excited to have it and I now need to tend to everything else that needs attention.

stuff to buy (cost related)

  • items for business
    • go-pro & accessories
    • car mount for camera
    • external hard drive
    • website
    • seat belt cover
  • more clothes
  • gifts for family
  • classes
    • 2 classes
    • internship
  • car
    • inspection
    • recall
Considering the change in focus that I'm attempting to make, I'm so excited to build my YouTube channel. I want to begin growing the quantity and quality of my videos/channel very quickly and to hopefully begin meeting other creators in my area. I've already influenced many people simple by sharing the news that I create videos for YouTube so once they see that I've established myself on the platform I hopefully will gain some credibility. 

A knowledge tip that I've learned and am happy to share, maybe I'll include this is the video for tomorrow also. 
The key to success with business in 2018 is to have a following or supportive community. The power of a following is so huge that to imagine the rewards associated with this you'd have to think of names such as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, or even someone as small as myself. You, yourself are an influencer, you just don't realize it; unless you're already leveraging your following. But if you're not already successful for yourself it's because you don't yet realize the power behind your voice and just how much of an impact your actions have on other people. We all share the power to make me smile, laugh, and even cry and once you've taken action on your true passions you then will live the lifestyle that you deserve to have.

Success will not happen overnight, it can, but it most likely won't. You have to enjoy the process to truly enjoy the results. There is no cheat code or right way to do it; you create your own path. Just get out and show the world what makes you you and you'll never have to work a day in your life. This isn't an American Dream, this isn't goals, this is the only way to live.

Thank you


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