a pretty typical start to the week I guess


guys today's post may be shorter, I have to get my priorities together. I somehow managed to just turn in an assignment late, an assignment in which I had known of the due date since the first day of class. Not only this, I also had told myself that I would get it done over the weekend only to completely waste yesterday. I literally did nothing. I have to stop doing that.

so now that assignment will lose points, points lost for no reason. I'm getting better but I really have to be more accountable and responsible. I don't aspire to be perfect but honestly this is just a silly mistake, a mistake that I truly cannot afford. I have to do well in my classes, I have to graduate this May.

I've come too far, I'm too close to the end. I truly have enough debt as is in student loans and I honestly have no excuse. Listening to some of the problems others face in my situation or in my same age bracket I truly have no excuse.

I think that the best option for me here involves just enjoying the process. I have to just begin to enjoy life more and to take things slowly rather than rush through these times which I honestly have been trying to lol. I am trying to make more friends, I am trying to be more active and get out more, I am trying to better organize myself to be able to use my time more effectively. It's just tough honestly. Doing this school thing while building a business while also trying to have a social life is just a lot.

But I'm gonna get it done.

Thanks for reading.


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