$70k in debt, at 23 :(


As optimistic as I want to be I can't believe how quickly time moves. I'll be going into yet another semester of college in a few days and I honestly am just over it. I really could care less about completing my coursework and getting my degree. I love to learn and will always have a thirst for knowledge but some things I value more over others. Things that are more relevant for example, or things that quite frankly are more important to know. Something I've picked up from the most successful people that I believe most people will never truly understand and/or acknowledge as important to know involves the idea of not simply following the crowd. You shouldn't do it just because "everyone's doing it," and honestly you should do in life what you want to do. Everyone is on their own path and there has never been nor will there ever be a right way to do life. And quite honestly I believe that this formal education in college is just not for everyone and more so there may be better times/phases of an individual life that are more appropriate for them to go to college for example. I personally am just over it, if you want to know what I've truly learned from it I couldn't answer you that. I don't think hardly anyone remembers all the maths and sciences or whatever we study in school unless it's relevant to the individual and as many describe it, the true purpose of school involves the ability to learn how to learn. I know for myself that I learned how to learn many, many years ago. I study people and their behaviors/choices, different possibilities and outcomes in life, the effects of what we do on the overall quality of human life which is why I think my minor in Psychology is appropriate. However, a major/degree is Exercise Science was/has been a complete waste of time/energy and most importantly money.

That is me and my opinion, that is why I do what I do. I hope to make it so that people acknowledge my opinions that I believe to be true, hear my story and avoid my mistakes, and are therefore able to live more successful lives without the same hardships that I've faced. People simply don't do this, not to say that I'm the only one but if you don't think that people overall are less caring and sensitive towards others then maybe that's just me. Everyone wants to look good in front of everyone, everyone wants to be the best, and everything has to be perfect, now. Simon Sinek did a Ted Talk on this topic a while back, when I talk about this on my YouTube channel or future blog (with more interaction 😒) I will include that talk as a reference. But that is obviously not how life works, or did work at least. I believe that what he mentioned as a worst case scenario is already living to be true. It's almost impossible to create true happiness for the long term as our opinions change frequently and therefore so do our demands. Honestly I just hope to finish this school crap immediately, pay off my student loans immediately, and then become a major influencer. Screw getting a job, I'd rather do what I want to do and actually help people rather than to just look for job security for whatever amount of money.

Thanks for reading.


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