3 more months


9 hours spent at my internship today, and I'm not exaggerating or lying about those hours. 9 full hours including both free lunch and dinner while working with my supervisor. holy cow

while I honestly complain a lot over the simple things such as "having" to do this 240 hour unpaid internship I won't even make a single complaint about today. all I will say is, holy cow. this is coming from a 23 year old who has never worked that long ever even for pay on a job. I've obviously never had a class that lasted that long and honestly have never really spent that much time doing anything nor have I spent that much time with any one person. 9 hours spent breaking down (chipping rust away from) an old exercise machine and then repainting it which we have to finish in the morning.

internship at tennis club - fitness major - health internship - painting?

yeah idk how I've managed to do this with my life but I honestly will not make any complaints today. tomorrow I for sure plan and hope to get a video done on this stuff, maybe a life update. but I also have about 5-10 more videos in the works for my channel. sadly I've found out some sad news which really should only motivate me to work harder, as I've mentioned before, possibly, my YouTube channel is not making me any money basically. I just found out that, long story short, I need 1000 subscribers before I can even apply for monetization :L

9 hours at my internship on tuesday
0 hours spent studying
so much work to do
test next week in my biomechanics class
quiz next week again in my nutrition class
$300 or so exam needed for me to graduation, which I just found out :)

it's gonna be a rough next 3 months


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