The Last Day of 2017


It's the last day of 2017 man, crazy. Another whole year of life has gone by and I must say this year has to be a bit different. It will be a bit different. In this year we're gonna do better, we're gonna go farther, we're gonna be better. For me it's time to really get up and take actions on the things that need to be done and I'm excited to see where life will take me. I'm excited, I'm anxious, I'm nervous, and I'm a little scared but 2018 is here. My student loans will become active this year, I'll be graduating from college, my brother will have to make big decisions regarding where he'll finish his remaining time in undergrad, my cousin will be returning from the military; there's so much already impacting us for 2018. I want to begin making better content, I wanna actually begin profiting from marketing and/in addition to building my own online business, I want to work with all my newly acquired networks for projects, I wanna begin changing my financial situation, I want to make an impact/difference for those around me.

In consideration of what's "real" I've been considering taking a full time job pretty much anywhere that will pay around $20 an hour. Of course where I'm from $20 an hour both provides a decent salary and is difficult to acquire unless you have the experience/education for the job, and honestly I don't want a job in the field in which I'm currently being educated in. If I could get an office job or possibly involving work with little human interaction where I could do my job and then be able to leave, that would be ideal. I've been considering repair work for computers or devices, accounting/book keeping work, warehousing/labor work. As much as I'd love to get a sales job, to find work with a marketing agency, or even to film work I simply am not; my goals are not to find a career that I'll work for the entirety of my life. I am sure that I will be an entrepreneur and have a business that will provide income for me in life I am just unsure as to when that will happen.

Lately I've been trying to find/acquire work through fiverr, I'm trying to build my blogs to monetize them along with trying to find online blogging jobs to do for companies, I've been trying to take as much of my side jobs as possible including stringing rackets and teaching lessons, all alongside my efforts to learn how to do affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, social media marketing, drop-shipping through e-commerce stores & Amazon FBA, computer programming, and even blogging. I really wanna make this work! 😔

Over the next 2 weeks I will also be trying to learn about earning Facebook Ad certification, Google Adwords Certification, as well as computer certifications like A+, C++, I can already read HTML and CSS however. I also wanna make sure I know book-keeping and how to use the programs that Accountants use for money management.

I simply wanna give myself the best chance of being successful after this annoying college thing. So many people say "oh you're young" and all this other crap that honestly I'm tired of hearing. I don't compare myself to others but if you are oblivious to social media and YouTube to be specific, there are kids 25 years and younger making more money than most will ever see. They're living the lifestyle that I am honestly dying to have and more importantly, so willing to work for. With that being said yes, I am very thankful for what I have but I am not just gonna be content with this. I want to do more with my life and I believe that we all should aspire for more, to aspire to be better. Just because I'm so young does not mean that I could not handle all the stresses, make all the big decisions, take the same actions that some older guy could make. I want a Lamborghini Huracan today, not 20 years from now and I'm tired of being led to believe that it simply can't or most likely won't happen.

2018 is the year to take action, to prove those people that don't believe that life is simply what you make it. I'm running on 4 hours of sleep giving everything I got to this stuff, I'll sleep later. I don't believe that those that have such nice things in life were handed what they have, we all have a choice and I'm choosing to give this everything I can until I get there. We're 3 months or so, idk I can't remember, into this daily blog. I've been trying to daily blog for years now, maybe some day I'll re-share all my old attempts from my other platforms. But it's not about the past, and I'm not too over focused on the future, it's the now that matters most. Right now in this moment what are we doing. Are we taking care of well being? And this involves being social, your mental health, your physical health, your financial managing, all of these keys to living a healthy life. It's time to be better.

Thanks for reading, Happy New Years


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