Fun Mondays


Yo what is up my people, I somehow have 162 subscribers on my YouTube channel and I honestly have no idea how this is possible. I literally woke up this morning to see 164 subscribers despite being at 81 just last night and I haven't uploaded any videos within the past 6 days. I'm not complaining though, you guys are awesome.

For those that watch YouTube videos and/or support me there I plan to either upload a video tomorrow or to go live, or maybe both :P Make sure you're subscribed and have hit the notification bell to stay updated.

Today was definitely another good day, another fun Monday. I managed to play some tennis with a friend of mine and I thankfully have found a site (a damn good site) for my next internship. I might actually survive next semester. Finding this site allowed has given me a new set of motivation and confidence towards how next year will go for me. Anyways I played some great tennis and received some very useful information from another friend of mine whom stopped by to watch us play. I am so thankful, I am so motivated, life is great.

I gave a kid a tennis ball today which I only hope has helped him, not just the act but the value provided also. I really can't wait to have the opportunity in life to help others by motivating, inspiring, and educating them. My friend and I had a very nice conversation today while hitting about the same topic I've been mentioning here on the blog.
Maybe in the video for tomorrow I'll mention this so if you do happen to watch tomorrow's video, make sure you mention that you're a reader of my blog and I'll shout you out :)
But the conversation we had involved the lack of fundamental education on business, money, and life in general. The conversation started with the second friend who showed up to watch the tennis bringing up the vast opportunities that we as young men had to be employed with great companies to have successful lives. (Dupont, Phillip Morris, Verizon). Not only this but his main argument was to remind and encourage us as young athletes to realize the opportunities that we have to do well in life and recommended the opportunities that he has taken in which he could provide recommendations/support for us. I personally loved this talk, many people don't like to sit down and talk but I personally do, I encourage everyone to use their voice. This support from my friend was very much appreciated despite my dreams/goals/plans to eventually build my own business to a point where I won't need to apply for a job.

Okay back to the conversation with my hitting partner, we talked about the major lack of education on what life really is. Just to be able to know all of your options as an 18 year old fresh out of high school could ultimately provide all that's necessary for one to be successful. For example if I'm not explaining well enough, most people in my community either go to the military, college, or work right after graduating high school. Those that enter the military most often did the prep military programs like JROTC in high school or military, or they have family in the military. Those that go to college are going because it's the "best option" to have a successful future. Those working at just a job after high school are mostly those that weren't as motivated by school, got into trouble while in school, or had children and therefore were "limited" with options anyways.

I believe that there are a bunch more options, even for the darn 16 year old pregnant girl who may or may not have supportive enough parents to provide for her, her child, and her continued education in college. I truly believe this. And furthermore, I believe that college is simply not for everyone. Some people aren't good test takers, some truly have no idea what major/industry they want to do or what they even like, some are forced to go with underlying pressure from family/friends, and some are just going because they can. I simply don't understand how "just going to college" has become the thing to do, "everyone should go to college" or "where did you receive your education." I mean come on, if anyone reading this is willing to take the time, I'm sure the vast majority of normal people are in debt to these colleges. Why start life, in your 20's, acquiring thousands of dollars of debt? For the hope, at least now in 2017/2018, the hope that you'll find a job that will reward you enough for your hard work. It baffles me.

Anyways our conversation continued on with how there needs to be more education provided to young people and really people of all ages on how the world works, what life truly can be. The goal in life is not to make the most money, in fact I personally believe that money should be no object. But the simple fact is that everything revolves around money so the goal is to be able to make just enough money to be able to do whatever it is that you want in life. The sad part is that few people are actually able to do this. I mean even the $35 an hour that my friend mentioned today, or $200,000 a year has proven to still leave people with some of the same problems faced by those making $40,000 a year. Why? Because $200,000 a year is just $200,000 a year, you see? That number, your lifestyle, your choices are limited here. For sure that's a great deal of money and life can be extraordinary at this financial class but realistically my people, money doesn't bring happiness.

So I'll continue the conversation that I had with the 2 friends in another post but let me explain what I mean from this last paragraph. Then I must go, there is always work to be done lol.

Also need merch coming soon, if you follow me on IG (click here to follow) you'd know that I just received a major haul of my own merch for myself, I plan to do a photoshoot tomorrow for my social media. If you wanna support me please reach out, a buddy of mine just mentioned that the price is a bit too much for him, I will absolutely do discounts for anyone who wants to support.

Okay so what I meant by those last couple paragraphs, make a bunch of money, then money doesn't bring happiness. What I'm saying is that for the entrepreneur for example, who is able to make $5,000 a month let's just say, they are then able to live their lives on their own terms. Rather than trading their time for money they are able to find a way, build something to be able to make that same amount of money in less time and this is how the wealthiest of the wealthy are able to do it. It almost sounds like I'm saying business, business, business, but rather the simple way I look at life is either you work for the man or you become the man. You can either start something for yourself, or work under someone else's creation and while making them richer, just make a living.

While most are able to do this and live happy lives the same issue always comes about, money. I personally believe that any issues with money can be solved with that one simply entrepreneurial concept where you're able to start something, doing whatever in the world you wanna do, and while you may not be make much more or any more than you would at some job, you'd be able to live life on your own terms. Imagine, leaving your $200,000 salary job you hate to start your singing business because you love to sing and are done with the stress. You only sell a few songs/branded shirts/merch items a month and end up at $3,000 a month. I think life is gonna be much happier for you doing what you actually wanna do and ultimately the success will come.

Anyways guys I'm gonna stop here, my head is still hurting sadly. Thanks for reading, leave some comments if you want. See you tomorrow.


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