You have to be better everyday

You can't get points today for yesterday's game.

I heard that phrase above in yet another motivational video and god I could I relate. This journey has been so tough and everyday I seem to ask myself for more. Why am I not seeing any results? Why do I still seem so far from achieving my goals? Why, why why?
You want to know why? Because everyday is a new day. Just because you can't feel/see any results from your work does not mean you're not progressing. And just because you did something yesterday or 5 years ago when you were in grade school does not mean you'll reap the same rewards today or in the future.
My journey has been so tough man and that's exactly why I'm documenting it through these platforms I've been given. Forty something days in now and here we are. I have so much to be thankful for, so many good memories have been lived through, and so many new barriers are being crushed everyday. I'm learning something everyday whether I do what I set out to do or not. I'm learning something whether I feel happy or not. And most of all I'm learning something because I know I have to. It would be too easy to just give up and do nothing, then I'd certainly never reach these "unimaginable" goals I have.
A guy with my background that I'm slowly revealing and capturing through these platforms to ever become a millionaire. A guy like me with expensive cars or a luxurious lifestyle filled with traveling and other fancy experiences. It may not sound absurd to you if you don't know me, but I honestly don't even know a single person I grew up with and/or knew from schooling or wherever that evens dreams to life to the goals I have.

Alright guys, enough of that for now.

I'm currently working on a few things for my business which I'll show below. School is still going and sadly I still have hours to complete at my internship but thankfully only 20 hours remain. I somehow overslept my 1 class for the week, was up until 4am last night lol, so I'm now on break. I'm hoping to make the best of this "free time" and hopefully bring you guys some better posts so stay tuned.

  1. New designs on my store coming soon, possibly giving away free merch to those that want to support. Follow my social media, keep reading these posts, and just let me know if you're interested. The merch will feature my brand, my other brand Keep It Simple, car stuff, motivational stuff, and simple positive messages, maybe some funny designs too.
  2. I need to sell this stuff I have, a few rackets, trading cars, and college textbooks that need to GO! Plus I'm doing this to get experience with selling online.
  3. Afilliate marketing, shopify, amazon FBA. My business partner says the goal for next year is $40,000 a month with another goal of finding our products/plan by December of this year. (stay tuned)
  4. I'm currently working on 2 books that I will FOR SURE be remaining patient with. I love writing now and I have ideas for a book on famous tennis player Novak Djokovic. I love the man's game and have much respect and admiration for him as a person. My book will be my perspective on why his game is so good. The next idea that I have involves a similar concept to what I'm doing here. With this second idea I'll give my full entrepreneur type perspective on my life while documenting my journey as well as providing my opinion on how to be financially free and live your dream lifestyle based on what I've experienced in life thus far.
  5. Catch up financially. I love tracking my income/expenses and as part of my business I will be sharing all this stuff with you guys. I need to spend more time which I plan to do over this week mapping out my profits/expenses for 2017 and to begin to plan for the big year aka 2018.
  6. YouTube :/ Goodness I need help lol, I need to set a structure for my channel. A schedule or plan of action. But first I need to invest in an external hard drive which my dad says I "need to have" so that I don't fill the space on my laptop. I literally have pages of ideas for my channel, some more important than others. For example I really need a better video explaining what I'm building here, ugh. I WILL GO OUT TOMORROW TO FILM, lol I will. 
I really hope this stuff helps you guys. As you can see, there's a lot to be done as to be expected. I show you guys this while documenting it, I mean I'm here each and every day for reflection so I really hope you guys see what it takes. You guys more than that'll be joining us soon have the unique opportunity to be first. You get to see me in the beginning stages. Just imagine the new people who will be seeing me for the first time in lets say May of 2018 where for example, I could and possibly will have some fancy car with more nice things or having accomplished many of my goals. They would obviously be able to go back to posts like this one from today but they would be just learning about me then. You guys are here now which means so much to me, thank you so much for all your support, thanks for reading.

See you guys tomorrow.


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