Still sick, on my "free day"

Lol okay I won't go into much detail on today's eventful story as I did the last time but today something even crazier happened. Long story short I ordered some food from Burger King and one of the workers left their number on my receipt with "Text me" underlined. Turns out it was the guy that I usually chat a little with when I go to B-King but no, I'm sorry, only females for me haha.

Okay well that for sure made my day and quite honestly I'm now even more motivated to go out and try to find a nice girl. Anyways tomorrow is my long day so who knows, maybe tomorrow will be the day.

As far as today I decided to go play tennis despite being sick, I still won. My buddy and I raced today which honestly was the most fun I've had in so long. It felt so good to put the pedal to the floor lol. Oh yeah I won that too by the way, even while taking the longer route. After winning that and having some fun on the court I had to race over to my internship as I did yet another favor. Now I feel crappy again. But on the bright side I met some great people and am hopefully getting closer to being on a good path in life.

Anyways guys this post is gonna be another short one, I did record some footage though including the race so please go sub to my YouTube channel. Tomorrow's post will be longer. I'll see you guys then.


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