it's time to work


alright guys, yesterday's post wasn't good so I'm gonna give a better effort here today while I have some time. I've done my research on that opportunity for work that I mentioned a few days ago and I now am undecided as to whether I'll pursue. I've completed/am about halfway through to becoming a certified marketer with Google Ads and this will truly be my first business move. My plan is to launch both my website with products and services as well as marketing e-commerce products on another platform, most likely t-shirts. the moment I've become certified I'll probably launch a t-shirt store and begin running ads all of which will be documented on my YouTube channel.

I'm excited to produce more videos, immediately after finishing this post I'll be going to work on that same video, hopefully to be uploaded today. I have about 8 more videos waited to be uploaded.

I believe that anyone and everyone can be successful. right now, Feb 2nd 2018 is the best time out of any to be successful. what our ancestors have done and led us to is a time "better" for becoming successful for anyone. the opportunities and access we now have can simply be described with your average cell phone. most people nowadays, assuming you have a smart phone, can communicate with anyone at any point in the world instantly. that's extremely powerful

the time is now to pursue your dreams and the first and hardest step is just having the mindset, the desire to want more. once you say it to yourself that you want to change your life, you want more money or some physical thing you've already won. the bravest and most successful people we have in the world all started with this simple step of saying no, I am not content, I want more. "I can, I will, I must." you have to believe in your dreams more than anyone else in order for anyone else to believe

my plan, what I will be doing is showing people step by step, the exact ways in which you can utilize these tools we all have access to in order to reach any goals you have. whether your goals relate to making money or not you will find yourself so successful with whatever it is that you want to do that you'll realize that it all involves the same steps.

that's my goal that's my plan and I cannot wait to be able to do this. we haven't had many influencers from my half of the country, in fact Virginia seems to be an old man's town, figuratively. everyone around here is simply content with following the old school formula of school - college - hope for job - content with the hand your dealt. there are far few young" minded people around here which is made evident in my opinion, with the car culture or culture in general around youthful possessions.

obviously California is full of people with money, you can walk down some neighborhood streets and be able to tell that people are living comfortably. the same cannot be said around here.

anyways guys I have to leave now, I will try to post again later. thanks for reading


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