time for change


Man, time sure does fly by. I'll be 23 years old in about 4 hours (my time lol). I don't recall to every second what I was doing just 17 days ago on the first day of this year but I darn sure cannot believe believe that it's already 19 days into the year. It's already my birthday 😅

Out of everything I've documented and shared and have talked on, I am more or less just ready for change in life. And not just any change but change for the better. I want to begin enjoying life and not saying that I haven't been or that I feel as if I'm working towards a point where I'd finally be able to enjoy life. Rather, I want to now begin making the best out of my time. School has been nothing but stressful and annoying for me these past 20+ years honestly but here we are at the edge of the bridge, the end of the road. And then the question is what's next?

I want to travel, even if it's just down to the local beach. I want to get out more and just do more fun stuff. Life right now is fun but as with anything, we always aspire for more. As a homebody (always in the house), I'm ready to just explore life and see what's really out there. Just meeting people has been amazing in it's own right but by meeting new people from different places and at different scenarios in life I now want to begin making life choices for myself and by myself. If I want to get an apartment and just have my own space, then that's what I'm gonna do.

Being around/living with family all the way into my near mid 20's has obviously taught me a lot. For those dealing with any issues that they may have found similar in my life or even have different problems that they would like my support with, I have an opinion on life that essentially is to live your own life. Don't let anyone stop you from achieving your dreams, family or close friends included in that. The ones closest to you will often times tend to be your biggest distraction on your journey but just know if you don't, you'll always have their support. The only way to really enjoy life is to live it by making your own choices for yourself.

Anyways guys more work to be done, until tomorrow.


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