The business meeting that'll lead to our success

Part 2, it's technically January 2nd now. Currently 12am EST exactly where I'm at but hey it's still Monday to me.

My buddy Lamar and I just finished up a little cruise around the city checking out houses. It was around 14 degrees outside so, probably not our smartest idea lol. But anyways we did and while out there we had a great conversation regarding our businesses. As I've referred to him as before, we are indeed business partners, feeding off of each other's knowledge and energy to make a difference in our lives. I am so glad that I decided to go out tonight, I haven't left the house in a while, only to play tennis once and work last Saturday but tonight made a difference for sure. We had a great conversation where we both exchanged some knowledge and re-instilled some motivation for each other as we both are driven by the same motivators. We have very similar goals in life and are working towards the same platforms to achieve our success.

Affiliate Marketing. Amazon FBA. Shopify. YouTube.

Now we all have different ambitions and as I've mentioned before both in the blog and in my videos, I myself give 110% every single day. This business has to take off for me sooner rather than later as I've mentioned to you guys before. My goal right now is to be profiting around $3,000 a month by March or so, basically early this year, so that I can be able to live off of my online business by the time I graduate in May of this year. With only $2,500-3,000 a month I could find an affordable housing and hopefully afford the repayments on my student loans which is all I'm asking for. I'm working everyday to make build this online business in whatever way possible, in what I hope is the right way, to get myself into this position.

Thankfully Lamar and I are in very similar situations, although he thankfully is not faced with $70,000 in student loans as I am. My god if I hadn't accumulated so much debt I would have a completely different mindset right now. I would still ask for very little money from my online business rather I would buy myself my dream car the Nissan GT-R which I could finance for only about $600 a month. Man, that sounds so affordable when I really look at it as honestly many people around me in college or at country clubs I attend and even just see casually on the roads are driving vehicles priced around the same cost as the GT-R or slightly less. But I will have my dream car one day, I know it. Right now however I have to be serious, I thankfully don't have the responsibility of a child or car that I can't actually "afford", but I will have to begin paying back my student loans of $70,000 within 2018, that's an undeniable fact. I also have a car which needs maintaining, and I will face the normal struggle that most face in finding a job upon graduating. (unless my business is profiting in time :)  )

Anyways guys just wanted to give you a second post for today, I'm gonna try to do this more regularly with posts providing you more than just my reflections.

Knowledge tip: people buy people, not products.
2018 is your year for change, you can do anything you set your mind to.

Thanks for reading.


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