Sometimes change is good


Wow, I really can't believe it. We're already yet we're only 10 days into the new year. 2018 is here, many people whom have set resolutions have already given up on them. New things have already been brought into the world and we are now rolling.

It's amazing to me that here we are 10 days into yet another year; I'll be 23 in 9 days time. It's been quite a crazy journey and to many you'd describe it as only being just the beginning however this year, this year my people is going to be one to remember. I don't know about you but for me this year already is predetermined to be one of my best years ever, why? Because I've already made up my mind that it will be and I believe that this simple belief alone is all that's necessary to make your day a good day.

I must go ahead and share with you guys, things are about to change. My priorities, my schedule, my life is general as of course will have to change with my 240 hour internship and 2 other college classes starting next week. This certainly won't disappoint or sway me from pursuing my passions, but things will certainly be a bit different. I plan to, haven't done it yet but will possibly just DO IT immediately after this post, create my new website. This new website will feature a blog and be branded under both the brand I've shared with you guys before Keep It Simple as well as the concept of living the digital/laptop lifestyle.

Unfortunately this blog here under the Blogger platform does not get the most impressions ever, we only have a few comments and I only know a few of my regular readers. I will still of course be posting here daily and will sharing the updates for the new website but to keep track of my loyal readers what I'd like to have happen is this:

when the new site is released, or even now if you have the time. Leave me a comment saying you support what we have here and my brand on this blog then once the new site is released if you could also leave a comment there saying that you're from this daily Blogger blog.

I plan to reward my loyal subscribers in any possible manner that I can afford when I can as I have much appreciation for anyone who supports me and just reading these blog posts is enough support for me. You guys motivate me to keep writing, to keep making YouTube videos, to keep going out and building the business, and to just keep moving forward so thank you.

Thank you.

I'm going to go start the new website :)

until tomorrow, follow your dreams


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