My businesses


4 days into the New Year, wow. This is just amazing, it truly is amazing. When you really put things into perspective, 26 days from now or so we'll be entering the second month of the year. At least, when you really consider things in a binary form or in it's simplest form as numbers you really see how quickly time moves. random thought lol

Anyways I spent my day with a good friend of mine and again as I've mentioned before, I am so thankful for moments like these. It all began with my hesitation to go out as the roads are messy with all the snow/ice (you'd know if you follow me on IG @rva_youtuber) followed by Lamar backing out to go work on our business stuff while at home which I really hope he was actually doing. After telling myself that I was just gonna go out, to enjoy the day with my friend I went out and did just that. We drove around, we froze a little as the high temperature for the day was only around 30 degrees with very high wind gusts, and we even did some drifted. I for sure want to go back out one day to do this again as the driving part was actually very fun, the traction control light in my car kept going off haha. This friend is for sure a true friend of mine and I really hope that we can have more days like today. We ended the day off with some a very good conversation on business stuff where I hopefully provided enough motivation for him to start him YouTube channel and to hopefully pursue his dreams and be confident doing so.

So, I found out after going back through the blog that I never continued the second part of the post for Jan 2nd on the other business paths I'll be pursuing and how I will approach them, so we'll continue that here now. It's so crazy to think that this post, this day was only 2 days ago yet I honestly couldn't remember exactly when I discussed this topic on the blog but I believe that is explained by how much and how hard I've been working. My goal was to make the absolute most of my break in between semesters and honestly I've given that and then some. I have many, many other goals that I'm pursuing but as I've mentioned, I absolutely have to have this success with my business; and sooner rather than later. I have to make this work. I'm simply asking of myself to be profiting $3,000 from my online business with any financial support from a second non online job/opportunity before I graduate in May. I would love to have a job lined up before I graduate even if it's not exactly what I want to do as my main priority is making $3,000 from my online business.

We're gonna make this happen, and then I will finally rest and work on my other goals.

Anyways I will now provide a detailed outline on the other business platforms I'm working on in addition to an Affiliate Marketing business.

Drop Shipping

  • Shopify
    • Products (depending on niche)
      • General store
      • Niche Store
    • Marketing
      • Instagram
      • Facebook Ads
  • Amazon FBA
    • Products
      • 1 product initially
    • Marketing
      • Google Ads (PPC)

Reselling / Arbitrage
  • e-bay
    • Products
      • 1 product initially
    • Marketing
      • Facebook Group

Real Estate Investing
Stock Market Trading/Investing
Bitcoin Investing
Consulting (hourly)
  • Business 2 Business
  • Relationships
  • Health/Fitness
Courses/Teaching Services
  • Business
    • Shopify & Amazon FBA
    • Affiliate Marketing
    • Brand growth
  • Tennis

Digital Marketing Agency
  • Marketing for any other businesses

And that's pretty much the full account for these businesses, for right now at least. This page certainly isn't as beautiful as the post from Jan 2nd on Affiliate Marketing mostly because I'm more involved and intrigued by marketing right now honestly. If I had to describe some career that I really wanted right now I believe that the role of a Marketer, especially a digital marketer is my ideal career. I've always been described as a nice and helpful person, I truly enjoy seeing other people happy and succeeding, and I believe that this is the best way for me to do just that. By helping other businesses, especially good businesses run by and involving passionate good people I would find a lot of satisfaction. But here we are in 2018 and yes, I want to be my own boss. I would love to be able to run my business from home and that's what we're gonna make happen. And while building my business and helping others with their business I am especially excited for my educational/motivational aspect of my business involving my YouTube channel and brand in Keep It Simple.

I'm so glad to be daily blogging here and will hopefully always be able to do it but I believe that my videos on YouTube will also do a good job of showing that I'm a normal guy. Some ordinary loser with the same struggles as everyone else, probably more to be honest. But considering all that you'll get to see how I stay motivated and the exact steps I take, simply following my dreams, to achieve high levels of success. And that's why we do, how we do, now it's time to go and keep doing it.

Thanks for reading. See you tomorrow


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