Keep going despite the struggles


"they won't knock me off track, no no!"

I've come so far but now it really is time to take action. I can't say that I know much nor am I very confident with where I am but I do know that I am at least at a stage where I could be "working towards my goals." And by working towards my goals I'm specifically referencing my financial goals even more specifically, my goal to begin making $3,000 passively from affiliate marketing.

I keep becoming so frustrated with all this honestly, even now I continue to think of ideas only to get no where.

Anyways guys I'm gonna stop the post there, that basically sums up my mood for right now.

 #always working
Tennis at 7:30am, it'll be about 10 degrees out but I'll be paid to play which is why I do it.

Thanks for reading guys.


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