it's Friday, thank god!


oh my god. if this week was an example of how the next 14/15 weeks will be then my goodness we are in for it. my head is hurting yet again, i truly may need to go see a doctor at some point as all this stress is no good for sure. as it turns out, my semester is only maybe 16 weeks long and next week will be week 3 in which I will enter with about 25 hours completed at my internship. we're actually on track here and everything is going "okay" thus far. I for sure need to spend more time studying next week and maybe just maybe resting also, but we're doing well, we're surviving.

financially, my goodness. that's another whole story but thankfully we're still in the green. I managed to not spend more than my income for the month and hopefully this check will reflect a little more money than normal as I "clocked in" for the training this week. that's maybe an extra 5 hours to the 10 I usually get paid for every two weeks.

emotionally, i'm surviving. I'm trying to redevelop my connections with friends and family. I'm also giving as much effort as possible to meeting new people, it's tough though on a college campus. college kids are a different kind of people honestly, just listening to everyone during my classes, it's very interesting to say the least. physically, I'm hoping to begin adding more exercise to my routine as I've pretty much gone away from being active. I haven't played tennis in a while now and really can't afford to add it to my schedule anytime soon.

as far as my business, we are currently about 170 views from a major milestone. after 170 more views every view on my videos thereafter will be monetized and I will actually begin profiting from my YouTube videos. so definitely, if you want to support me please go checkout my channel, subscribe, watch all the videos and leave comments/likes and share the videos, and definitely watch the ads lol. click here to go to my channel

if you will do me the favor of sharing my channel, sharing my videos around I would greatly appreciate it. I'm working very hard to build that channel and while it may not seem super extravagant now please take into consideration my life right now. my channel reflects and documents my current journey as a college student - wannabe entrepreneur. I'm hoping to make an impact on the lives of others both around me, within my community, and eventually worldwide and YouTube is my main platform right now.

thanks guys, talk to you tomorrow, keep moving forward


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