I'm tired of working for the weekend


Oh my goodness my video turned out so great, in my opinion. I absolutely love it, it didn't turn out perfectly, as nothing ever does, but I truly can't stop watching it. I really like the idea of it only being 5 minutes long also as I really want to begin producing much longer vlog like videos but initially, right now, it's all about capturing people's attention. Longer videos are harder to keep viewer interaction simply, we have way too many distractions to sit down and watch a 20 minute vlog unless we are really really passionate and excited about it. And that is how I want my videos to be described, but it takes time. I'm currently not gaining much attention in any form and although I remain patient as I work to continue creating content and learning, I am making every possible effort to gain viewership or at least I want to be.

Okay so we've got a new video up, it took forever to create lol. I honestly give all credit to daily vloggers although if I didn't have to continue searching for a way to make a living, if I wasn't worrying over an upcoming semester of school including a 240 hour unpaid internship, and if I wasn't living under someone else's roof not being able to provide for myself I surely could be and would love to be a daily vlogger. That's the entire/well part of the motive behind my drive and ideals behind my business which is to educate others about their options in life. More importantly to show people my path to, show my exact methods to, and to motivate them to pursuing their dreams. No one just wants to work a job, those claiming that they're happy with their 9-5 jobs are not truly happy, they're content. And there's a big difference between being content and being happy.

I don't want to just be content with my life. In fact many who only find content and "just enough" happiness from life often commit suicide leaving many confused as they just don't wanna continue a life not on their own terms. I mean the only reason you'd be confused to see your "friend" take his/her own life is because you don't know them. You plain and simply don't know them or you don't want to/didn't want to know them. It's so sad how we as a society, whether it be the people directly around you such as family and friends, or those you hear in the media discouraging people to pursue their dreams. Getting a job is not something anyone dreams about, having to work for someone else means that you are working to make someone else's dreams come true.

The day is coming where I will have a powerful enough voice to make an impact, to be an influencer, and I only preach as I practice my own beliefs. You only live once, do what you want to do in life and if you're not already doing it/don't have what you want/aren't in the position you want to be in then you need to work every single day to get there.

Anyways guys, I have to reread over my own posts but I believe that I didn't write on the second part of my business stuff. I'm pretty sure I forgot this but I can't even remember what I wrote about in the second post for yesterday :P
Have been working so hard, so I'm gonna go get dinner and will return to work more, hopefully will get in a second post for today later tonight.

Until then, thanks for reading.


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