I for sure will sleep tonight


make your dreams come true ...

just a little on my crap. yet another crazy day but then again we're still in this insane week. it all started on just about the worst note with me missing cars and coffee. and of course just because I chose not to get up out of bed, there were so many nice cars in attendance, cars I have never even seen before. A Dodge Demon, a TrackHawk, a Mclaren 675 Lt, and an Audi R8 V10 plus convertible. work was crazy as usual, oh and I somehow managed to end up at a 1 person training session for a new tennis business for rva, a business where I may or may not be helping with marketing purposes. another story for another day.

guys, it's so much easier to take the risk and live life on your own terms/follow your dreams than it is to not make choices based off of your true passions/work someone else's dreams. you only get to do this life thing once.
i write these daily posts as a reflection, as a backstory/an autobiographical reference if you will for me to someday look back upon. most importantly I'm writing this stuff now during my "tough times"/my growing phase to provide motivation/inspiration for those who need it. life is tough, but you have to keep going. it's much tougher if you give up and things can always be worse, trust me. how many other examples of a true "from nothing to something" type of story do you get to see? most of the courses, most of the lessons, most of the teachers on how to get rich are by people who are rich or successful already.
just like people set goals to be healthier or more educated or whatever it is you want, you can do it. my goal and main focus right now obviously involves making money but you truly have to make the choice and fight for you perception of success every day. life is already limited so you really need to get to work today.

I started this blog just last year, that for sure is a fact. unlike blogging/daily blogging in general, my YouTube channel, and many other things I document, this blog here on blogger I truly start in 2017. Here we are only several months later and if you guys were interested to know, we now receive about 400-600 views a month. while i can't speak to the amount of viewers because I honestly don't have this information, 400 views a month is great. someone out there in the world cares enough to browse my stuff. if you don't truly get the point here, if you don't truly see the potential behind this just know that I work here every day to produce a post for you guys. I work for those 400 views and when the day comes that I'm getting multi million views a month, bringing back a regular community of millions of people, bringing in unimaginable amounts in income from my work it all started with my hard work here.

you see, you have to just get started. we all start somewhere and honestly, while working your platform, working whatever choice and path you've entered, you will make mistakes, you will succeed; you will grow.

anyways guys I really wish I could continue but I have to study. there's always more work to be done and my time is very limited here. hopefully one day we will get more activity here on this blog which would honestly bring in more interest for me to bring in more content. but for now, 1 post a day with as much effort as I can provide.

thanks for reading


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