Happy Healthy Sunday


Today's the first Sunday of the first month of the year. It also turns to be the first Sunday of the year 2018 and just so happens to be my birthday month (12 days away). It's another good day, another great start for another good week. Yesterday we got more views than normal yet again but I gave you guys barely a paragraph in that post so today at least will be different. I'll write 2 paragraphs lol.

But seriously today was yet another good day, I didn't go out as I usually don't but despite sitting here all day I feel a lot more motivated than I did the past 2 days and I truly feel ready. I'm ready to make some moves, I'm ready to get to work, I've found my WHY again; not that I ever lost it. But tomorrow I'll be doing my first day at the internship, I'm looking forward to it both to honestly hurry up and get it over with and to get myself used to going. I really want to have a better attitude towards these things I'm involved in (school, internship) so my mindset is I'm blessed to be able to intern with this tennis club.

Okay I'm back, took a break from the post as I always seem to do. Anyways I think I've finally found my path for my business all stemming off of what I'm already building with my personal brand. I've decided to launch my website/affiliate business where I'll teach people how to build their personal brand while making money online despite the fact that I myself am not profiting anything yet. I feel as if I've spent enough time learning and building my own personal brand to the point where I could provide valuable information to people who want to follow a similar path.

I got distracted for yet a third, maybe even fourth time while writing today's post but I'm back and ready to give my full efforts. So here's a full account of what life is gonna be like for me for the next 5 months, really less than that 🙏 Guys when I tell you that I cannot wait to be done with college, I CAN NOT WAIT TO BE DONE WITH COLLEGE! I personally don't recommend it for anyone unless you really know what you want to do and it involves a college education. Just saying that you want to go for the "college experience" or you've been told about that experience, please just know that you don't have to actually be a paying student to get that experience. I must say that I for sure will enjoy college more when I'm not a student, who knows, maybe one day once I've built my platform I'll be asked to speak to students at some college campus.

If you don't already know, I mention all the time anyways but I will be a major influencer soon. I will very soon, and by soon I mean by tomorrow or so have my platform up and running where I'll be educating young people/anyone with the motivation to pursue their dreams. I want to help more people to be able to turn their passions into profit and for those who "don't know what they're passionate about," they'll be able to learn how to leverage a topic of their choice to build a business through.

Okay so here's what's on my plate for the next 5 months, next 4 months but everything starts tomorrow. In order of importance

  1. classes
    1. nutrition (will be very difficult, already have my book and will start studying tomorrow)
    2. biomechanics (retaking this stupid class as I needed 2 points last semester to pass it)
  2. Internship (it's part of a class)
    1. 240 unpaid hours which I'm gonna try to have a positive approach towards
  3. Blogging
    1. this daily blog on blogger (unpaid :P )
    2. freelance (to be announced soon, hopefully)
  4. Website 
    1. building audience through content creation/blogging
    2. daily monitoring for this site as it will be a paid site but will hopefully be monetized through both affiliate marketing and google adsense
It sounds so easy when I write/type it out lol, maybe I should do this for every post. It's only about 4 and a half months of 2 difficult classes, I have to pass them. A 240 unpaid internship which after getting through some hours tomorrow I'll hopefully feel more excited to go to. I'm hoping to begin doing a lot of freelance blogging, I would love to even make $100 extra from blogging, anything realistically would help. If I can find anything that actually pays for blogging, any legit platforms I'll probably make that a main priority behind my classes where I'd be blogging everyday honestly. The college struggle is a real thing! As for my website I'm hoping to get up a lot of content immediately followed by exploring all my options for getting free traffic. For this platform however, I will be supplementing my free traffic with any amount of paid traffic that I can afford as I'm hoping to become an affiliate marketing master very quickly lol.

I am very excited for what's to come. I'm really hoping to build this website and hopefully gain enough traffic and supporters to eventually sell my own product whether it be in the form of e-commerce, courses (which I for sure will be doing), consultations (also for sure will be doing), and/or  digital products such as a how to guide. The main thing now which I've been working so hard just to get to is to now get to work. I'm gonna be working on this new website daily, I'm gonna be uploading videos on my YouTube channel very regularly (hopefully daily - eventually), and I'm gonna be building my social media platform - building my business.

With this high level of excitement, which I honestly have had for the past several days however for the past 2 posts I ended up waiting until too late in the day to begin the post, I have been working and doing a lot! 

Here's some of what I've been doing lately also:
  • I just purchased some merch from a company I've been supporting for quite a while now. I don't normally buy things I see/ that I like, I rarely shop as I'm saving for this inevitable time of suffering. Most people are content with just living life, oh the student debts will get paid off inevitable. I cannot do that, I am already so depressed and frustrated over the fact that I am so heavily in debt, I really don't know how I'll pay all this money back but you can't live in fear or depression over money. Long story short, I bought myself a money clip lol (stay tuned, big things coming soon). I wanted a shirt but I of course wasn't going to spend $50 so the money clip won the vote (it was cheaper).
  • working on family stuff (late gifts)
  • Grinding! Thankfully I have been able to continue making money off of my side gigs that I have so I am very very thankful to have them.
  • More photos and content around my merch, I will for sure continue to add new high quality designs to my TeeSpring store for anyone that wants to support.


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