Crypto & Bitcoin


2nd post for today. Gonna have to cut this one short as it's already 12:33am for Wednesday morning and I am scheduled to play tennis at 10am. I've been so busy editing my video, playing a little video games, and other boring stuff so time has just slipped by. I normally would provide a little more knowledge for the second post or that's what I hoped to do at least but my brain is already half asleep and I don't want to either bore you guys or provide random incorrect information.

Apparently the actually tech companies behind Bitcoin and Crypto-currencies are what's really about to make the most gains worldwide. I currently have this video up by Bonner & Partners which I saw on my MSN homepage in which this guy who has referenced Silicon Valley and explained his superior knowledge on this stuff, says that people investing in bitcoin are not even close to making the real potential behind these new developments such as Bitcoin. They're not that new by the way, I just know nothing about them and honestly right now can't even make time to try to learn about them. But this infosession/webinar I'm in is very informative and encouraging. Apparently now is the time, until February 18th to be exact, to invest in the companies behind currencies such as Bitcoin as they will begin to level out by then. Apparently president Trump will be speaking on them and the US government will be enacting something on them which will cause the greatest gains to then quickly be taken by those investing, specifically those with enough money to take it all away.

Yeah, pretty cool.

Anyways I am not gonna finish this video tonight, but it's coming along very well. I wanted to try to start my website today, maybe $5 for hosting and a domain name through Bluehost I believe it's called. I'm so eager and motivated to get to work. Once I have my website I'll feel a lot further ahead than where I am as that blog to be featured on my website will be monetized through both adsense as well as affiliate products of my choice. I won't be trying to just sell random stuff however, the website is my personal site to be used for all my contacts so as of course I'd only recommend products that I use and enjoy myself/would recommend.

I am so not ready to play tennis tomorrow, but I haven't played in a while so it'll be fun. It'll be cold however not to mention early for me. I've been up till 4am for the past week or so and the past few days I've been waking up at nearly 12pm lol so this will be fun. I'm really enjoying blogging however, I've actually been trying to find some online companies that're hiring bloggers. Would greatly love you guy's feedback on how I'm doing.

Anyways guys I'm losing my words, time for bed.

Thanks for reading.


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