crazy saturdays


building an empire takes a lot of time and a heck of a lot of work. I feel as if what I'm working on has no ability to fail, the only way it wouldn't work is if I didn't carry it out. I believe that I can and will be a millionaire. As an introvert and one who loves to observe people and their differences and especially the choices they make, I try everyday to learn something. What plays a major role in finding success or not that most people don't place enough value on is urgency, how you spend your time, and just getting up and doing things honestly. It's been months now that my business partners and I have been working on our business with nothing to show from it honestly. Nothing as a group at least, I can only hope that they are making progress as we all seemingly have taken our own paths.

i for sure have made some success. financially, if you were wondering, I've made $40 from online surveys alone. $40 isn't even enough for a week's worth of food but that $40 means a lot to me. It was money made all online, I didn't have to clock in or stay in one place to make that money. I did however, have to sacrifice a lot of time, too much time honestly which is why I'm constantly looking for more. Making $40 was a major accomplishment for me but obviously as we've noticed with just those few problems I've already mentioned, we cannot automate this. The goal isn't too just work from home, sacrificing a lot of time for little money, it's to work harder now to be able to work smarter. I mention that $40 I've made however to say that I at least have met some kind of goal with my online business, I only hope that my companions have.

$40 online was an accomplishment but as for goals I have the initial goal of simply finding my "HOW" within my online business. I've already found out how I will made my money but I would like to have this system set up in place and ready to be scaled up by tomorrow honestly. What I'm referencing specifically is, I want to have my platform, whatever that may be whether my YouTube channel/blog/online store up and running. I want to be up and running now so that I can be spending my free time everyday working on building that platform and bringing in potential customers.

anyways guys, more work to be done, tomorrow's post will be better!
thanks for reading


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