Another successful Monday


Alright guys, today's post is just gonna be about me. It's gonna be about my story and how I've gotten where I am today, I will be going out early tomorrow to film a video where I'll be going over this same stuff. Hopefully I'll get that video out by tomorrow what I hope to be able to do is motivate others to make choices for themselves and to be able to not make the same silly mistakes I've made in life.

Life is all about choices. We all know this. But not everyone is living their lives making choices for themselves or with themselves in consideration. I simply don't believe that we should have to live our lives making choices based on anyone but ourselves. Just because mom and dad don't see what you see doesn't mean that they're right and you're wrong.

It frustrates me to continue living making choices that I honestly don't believe in, I'd rather not have been blessed to be in a position to have had this choice. I would be much much happier to not have gone to college and I honestly now see that life will be difficult for me for these next couple years honestly all because I chose to go to college. I'm roughly $70,000 in debt with no clue of how I'll pay that money back all in addition to the fact that similar to just about all other graduates, there's no guarantee that I'll find a decent job after I graduate. I'm fortunate enough as is to have my summer tennis coaching position that'll roughly gross about $4,000 for me between the months of June and August but after that I don't know.

Along with my frustration to build a business through one of the platforms I've been learning about I also am hoping to build my social media influence. From parenting your kids to learning things that I think and find to be most important in life, I hope to one day soon be able to provide motivation, education, and inspiration on a large scale and I know I will get there.

Anyways guys I'm gonna get back to work, I finally figured out a little portion of the back end (free) work that I can start doing to build one of my businesses. I'm still working to develop my other businesses, all in affiliate marketing. I really need success soon.

Thanks for reading guys.


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