4 more months


I am dealing with it. I struggle greatly with impatience. I struggle with finding happiness and just being content in life. I have to become more appreciative for what I have and to just begin to enjoy the moment. As much as I preach it here on this blog and through my YouTube channel I honestly struggle with it myself. I really want a new car, something I actually like. That alone would just honestly make enjoy life so much more and the sad part is that I got myself into a truly bad investment by purchasing my car new and by paying it in full. I just want a nice sportier car that could even be used and have issues with it, that honestly would've helped me to appreciate having a car more. But oh well, we are where we are and I can't be unappreciative of the fact that I have a pretty new car that belongs to me and only me.

alright enough of that, I really want to focus back on what kind of content I'll be creating. I'm separating my true business from my YouTube channel as I have some people a part of that audience on my channel that I'd prefer to not be involved with my business for the time being. therefore I will be creating videos for my YouTube channel with my personal IG account surrounding it while on the other hand creating content for my educational business/website with its own separate IG account possibly and the closed Facebook group.

ok so that's the business stuff, I've decided to not focus so much on trading for now and I possibly won't be studying marketing as much (details coming). I'm hoping to begin running more paid ads for my YouTube channel and website very soon, especially once I'm regularly producing content. there's nothing better than live experience for educating oneself on a topic and I am beyond motivated to learn how to market myself online.


i just want to be able to live life. college makes life so stressful, I really don't understand why we do this/recommend this for kids in their early 20's. I just want to work for my money while at least being able to have some kind of social life. but that's okay, this is exactly the kind of change that I'm about to bring in for myself. I just wanna have friends that have similar interests, I wanna be able to do things that I enjoy such as going to car meets and/or just going out in general. I obviously have the choice to do that stuff now but it's so difficult to live honestly when you have homework on your mind or an upcoming exam, so much stuff that you don't want on your schedule.


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