New merch :)


And we're back on track.

So I'll pick up where we left off on the post from earlier...

With all that being said, with all that taken into consideration I give so much effort towards this because I truly believe and I know that there is more to life. We have to keep moving forward and striving for more in life otherwise you become complacent. Otherwise you become comfortable. And this state of rest is when you begin to lose perspective, you begin to take what you have for granted. Ultimately you will fall behind because as you back off there is always someone else out there that is giving 110% each and every day because we aspire for the same high levels of success.

And so with my YouTube channel I really want to be able to show people, if even just 1 person that you can achieve anything you want in life. As I've mentioned many times before, by documenting my life it's especially good for me as I'll be able to look back on these moments and it simply gives me the confidence and motivation to keep going. By getting in front of the camera, coming back to this blog, and simply putting myself out there as an aspiring Influencer I feel as if I'm truly able to help people. And that's most important to me. Despite all this bs I deal with right now and no matter what I'll end up doing in life to make a living something that will always maintain a high level of importance to me is helping/giving back. But also by creating content under my own brand I really hope to show step by step the things that I do that'll ultimately lead me to success. I plan to show each and every detail, I'll show every dollar I spend/gain and where I invest it just to make sure that others are able to then follow in my footsteps.

Regarding business, I now see the great potential behind branding. I am learning so much about business and simply how businesses operate that everyday I become more and more amazed by how "easy" it really is. I honestly begin to feel more and more as if there is no reason as to why I can't become a multimillionaire. I mean honestly, a person in my position, from my background could aspire to live a happy life with a yearly salary, a set income of about $36,000 a year. With this kind of salary you are living on a tight budget but with a partner that is potentially making the same amount of money, you could have a decent living.
My point with this story is, $36,000 breaks down like this:
$100 a day
$3000 a month
$36,0000 a year
That's how an entrepreneur looks at this, oh you want to make $36,000 a year then there it is. You only need to make $100 a day, roughly $700 a week, $3000 a month, and you'll have your expected yearly income. And this breakdown can be applied to both the entrepreneurial perspective as well as when calculating an expected yearly salary from your regular 9-5 job. In fact, many people ask how much do you get paid an hour with your job when at least to me, all you need to know with a job is the yearly salary. For an entrepreneur, this is different. How much we can make in just an average day is very important. For instance, let's just say we could change things up a bit, rather than selling products to have a net profit of $100 a day, let's just say that we've added more products and are now selling at $150 a day.
$150 a day
$4500 a month
$54,000 a year
Big big difference. Guys idk about you, some will say oh this is so obvious, but simple things like this are so new to me that when I look over this stuff repeatedly I can't help but to feel extremely motivated. This literally just makes sense. And for those that still may not fully understand then don't worry that's why I became an influencer, that's why I do this. So this is the goal, this is the educational basis, this is what I will be mostly working with while I can.

I mean I just did over $200 in T-shirt sales for my merch, (click here if you wanna support/ see the merch) and guys, this stuff just makes sense. Some people use words like Scammy or Get rich quick and that's not what we want. The goal is to just find the right platform, find the right people, and to make change. I definitely will be doing a video on the channel (click here to subscribe) going more in depth on this stuff as this literally is the educational basis. Why am I doing the video? Because not everyone knows this, not everyone will understand this initial, some may never even be exposed to this stuff or not at least in a quick enough manner. Here we stand in 2017 and this truly is the basics, how you product/service sales translate into monthly profits/expenses for a business.

Next up: social media marketing, email marketing, digital product sales, affiliate marketing, drop shipping, print on demand, cinematography! All coming soon. Follow the blog, subscribe to the YT channel, buy the merch, support the movement people :) We continue to grow here, keep moving forward.

See you tomorrow.


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