It's time to revamp things


Oh no, I missed a day. I somehow managed to forget to write a post yesterday, that is not good. But that's a bit reflective of how things are right now and honestly it's okay. Things happen and everybody forgets. But that for sure means 2 posts today, 2 good posts. This post will be a bit shorter but the actual one for today which I'll post later tonight, will be better. For this post I'll talk to you guys a bit about what I've got going for the business.

I'm considering spending about $200 on merch to have on me. I'll have about 2 hoodies for myself and the rest will be for my family. I'm hoping to get some good photos of the shirts and hoodies to be used for advertising as I'm sure you guys have seen before. I am just so excited to have clothing of my own brand, a brand that I myself am building up to be a big big brand.

I'm gonna end the post off with this guys, I must get back to/start studying for my exam tomorrow.

My Brand/me
Derrick Ford

Sometimes I truly feel like I'll never really be able to accomplish my goals. I'll just end up with some job that I won't really care for. I'll end up making just enough to get by and will end up making choices based on what's available rather than for myself. I feel as if I just have to do what's normal, like I had to go to college and acquire a lot of debt, I'll have to wait till I can afford a house rather than quickly get an apartment to have my own space. I for sure feel like I won't go very far or be able to have much freedom. I'll be right here in my home town for the majority of my life and will just be content with what's handed to me. I feel awkward. I feel down.

To say that I want to acquire financial free/become a millionaire and have nice things just sounds crazy. I mean honestly I've been told that I'll end up with (A) nice car one day in life, lol. That may as well be said as, yeah you'll have a (reasonably affordable- $50,000+) car by the time you're 40 or so. Or maybe even with retirement if you're even able to retire. I swear man the people around me, the people I am "forced" to surround myself with right now are so old, so old minded and fulfilled with simple levels of achievement in life. I get to watch people drive the kinds of cars that I wanna drive, live in the kinds of houses I wanna live in, socialize with the types of people I would love to even meet, and go to the kinds of places in the world and do things that I honestly don't see how I'll ever be able to do.

Life sucks. We all know it. Life is truly what you make it, things are handed to you, it's about you going after the things that you want. While I stand as an optimist, trying to believe in such access to these opportunities, by being in this environment that I'm in, living with these people I surround myself in, I just don't believe it. Even here locally I readily observe and decipher the vast differences in socioeconomic status and how this separates people. While I certainly would never compare my life to another's or any 2 individuals, my opinion stands that we should all aspire for more. We should all to be better, to continue to grow.

With all that said man, I'm doing this social media stuff, blogging & vlogging to show people that it's possible. I believe that anyone and everyone can achieve their goals if they work for them. I want to show people how simple life can be when you decide to take action based on your own feelings and how life truly is for those that make every second count. I never even knew about Lamborghini's growing up, I for sure wasn't living in a big house or even engaging with people that did. By documenting my life I'm hoping to be able to motivate and inspire people, predominantly those that are maybe losing faith or are confused. We live in a cold world where it's all about how you look and how much money you have, no one wants to show their feelings or give care to other people. And while I won't speak to this topic as if I'm some hero or as if I have all the answers I at least hope to be able to make a difference.

Anyways guys, pt 2 of this will be in the post tonight, stay tuned for that if you enjoyed. Sorry for missing yesterday, back on track and even stronger today. See you soon.


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