It's gonna be a hectic semester


Alright guys so if you read yesterday's post you now have a better idea of what kind of business I'm in and how it's done. I truly see the potential behind Affiliate Marketing and am confident that I'll be able to reach my small goals revolving around $3000 a month, $800 a week, $100 a day by early, lets say March of 2018. I am planning to take enroll into some training programs that I have found recently, both paid and free right after writing this post. The grind for me starts today and will not stop even after those small goals are accomplished and I'm feeling very confident that we'll crush those. The toughest part for me is that I'm doing all of this stuff alone, learning about the business, implementing the business, and I'll pretty much be managing it by myself also since I haven't really found any solid business partners. But I'm actually happy that I'll be tested with this business as the results will rely solely on my performance and dedication, no one else has influence on how far this business will go and I truly need it to go far quickly.

I just found out that I may have to retake a frickin class because I earned a D in that biomechanics class that I had been complaining about throughout the blog while in my previous semester. Assuming I'll have to retake that I'll have that biomechanics class, nutrition which I hear is extremely difficult, and my 240 hour unpaid internship.

Part of my goals for 2018 involve growing up as a man especially considering the fact that I'll be graduating college and those $65,000+ dollars in student loans will become active and need payments. Thankfully I'll have 6 months after I graduate until I'll have to begin making payments on these but my very true and very serious life goal is to pay these off entirely before age 30. Out of all this millionaire talk and what not, if I live beyond age 30 I seriously do not want to still be paying for this stupid education that I was "forced" to partake in. I say that with quotes as we all have choices and I realize that this was my choice but my loyal followers will know that my business that I'm creating involves providing a real sense of worldly education to young people and really anyone that'll need it to prevent people from ending up in the same position I have gotten myself into.

Choices should be made for yourself and by yourself, just because mommy and dad don't agree with your choices doesn't mean that it's not a good choice for you or that it's even the wrong choice out of your options. I want everyone to realize that they have a choice and to be provided with their choices in full detail so that everyone is given the same opportunity to live a happy and healthy life on their own terms.

I am sick and tired of living under the generalizations/assumptions and ideas of other people. If I want to get an apartment next year with a couple buddies of mine to just get out and enjoy life then that's my choice, I really don't care to hear the advantage of buying a home versus renting an apartment. Sure, I believe that knowing this difference is crucial for young people but honestly for me, someone who has barely even slept over at friends' homes as a kid, it would be nice to leave mom and dad's home for a bit.

And so part of my goals for next year will include me making more decisions for myself. As someone who cares and may be considered more sensitive than others I consider other people way too often in my decision making honestly, I've had to learn that people honestly don't care; or that you can be taken advantage of, way too many times in life now. And no I'm definitely not angry and I will always be the way that I am rather I just need to start doing things for me now. I've been at the same job for too long now, that's undeniable. I'm making $200 a month from my job which just isn't any money at all. It's time to start making some big boy decisions and taking actions towards my goals.

So the way next semester is looking:


  • Biomechanics
    • will be a pain in the behind, I'll for sure pass this time but I also for sure won't... Actually I plan to make friends in the class and to give my best effort, I wanted to say that I won't care or give any attention but you know what, I signed up for it.
  • Nutrition
    • If there were a pie chart for where my focus will be for the next 6/7 months, this one class considering everything else will require about 80% from what I'm hearing, just to get a C. I really don't know how I'm gonna get through this as I personally don't study, I don't. I am one who listens in class and makes sure I understand fully what's going on with the material and it's gotten me here to my 5th year in college.
  • Internship
    • 240 unpaid hours, can't wait. Honestly it's already feeling like it'll be a waste of time but the people at the club are good nice people so I intent to give my best effort with whatever they have me doing.
  • affiliate marketing
    • I'm really gonna be focusing here, Shopify & Amazon FBA will start once I've gotten to my goal of $3000 a month from affiliate marketing unless I graduate before hitting that goal. If I can't make atleast $5000 before May of 2018 from affiliate marketing then things will change anyways as I'll have to focus on finding a full time job and things will just change a bit.
      • Affiliate marketing will require building up my brand through it's social media platforms which I plan to initially use free traffic, meaning posting a lot and doing a lot of work behind the computer screen unless I can save up enough to try paid traffic
Branding Stuff
  • For YouTube I really want to try to get as many uploads a week as I can. 2-3 has been easy for me, in fact it's my procrastination and me taking too long with editing which is why I haven't gotten more uploads out. So I wanna shoot for 4-5 uploads a week.
  • The daily blog here will continue, I wanna try promotions soon to get more readers in which if we can surpass 1000 views a month, I'll for sure keep boosting the blog. I will soon try uploading more posts per day to see if that use of free traffic will get us anywhere but ideally I'd love to see a minimum of 100 views per post. I really try to provide value and resources here in the blog and would love to reach more people and grow this community.
Anyways that's just some of what I have on my plate for the next 6 months, not to mention I may be coaching my students again as I usually do in the spring, I may also be getting a new job in which I would have to take more hours simply because I need the money, and I also will be working on online certifications all to prepare myself and to give myself a good chance of being successful upon graduating in May.

Thanks guys for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Leave me some comments, share the blog/post, subscribe to my YouTube channel (click here)

See you tomorrow


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