Cold Saturdays


I can barely keep my eyes open right now, we're off to a great start to the blog. I am literally so tired right now that I may actually go to sleep after writing this which I never do. It's only 10:36pm here but I had to be up early for cars and coffee this morning. I truly do believe that being tired can be mental as well as physically but man in this case it feels all mental. I am simply exhausted.

Anyways today I met yet another girl, a freshman in college that has again provided motivation for me to go out and find myself a nice girl friend. She was awesome honestly lol. But man today's like today I really do value when good things happen as today was just such a long day. I really wish I could just have my own place to go to with that special someone waiting for me, but that's soon to come. I am finally beginning to feel free again and assuming I'll do well on this exam that's due tomorrow, life is about to become great again.

Tomorrow my plans include:

  1. finishing up the exam
  2. securing my internship site
  3. setting reminders for things needed to be done
    1. call ins. family
    2. car recall & inspection
  4. check on merch
  5. possibly go gift shopping
  6. work on social media
    1. instagram (merch) & posts
    2. YouTube channel
    3. Facebook groups
  7. Shopify product research
That's honestly pretty much it, I really want to take advantage of my time tomorrow so I actually will go ahead, end tonight's post a bit early and hopefully finish the exam tonight or plan to finish early tomorrow. I was already planning to end the post a little early, I really cannot seem to wake up right now.

Days like today though man, it was so nice talking to that girl, simple conversation can sometimes go a long way. Aside from this I, well as usually I was super nice to everyone let's just say, and I got in return some free food. I really do hope/I really can't wait till I've made it so that I can literally be able to show people, provide real life experiences of how the way we treat others on a daily basis influences how we are treated. The way in which we carry ourselves, the choices we make have direct impact on how our lives will be. If you choose to smile, others will choose to smile back or at least have some reason to, and in this case life is great. Life is simple. Life is as it should be.

I get asked about what I plan to do career wise or asked about what things I do or don't do in my free time and I honestly just don't even like answering this stuff. I haven't seen this movie or I still don't know what JOB I want in life? No I haven't wasted my time watching that movie, right now I place so much value on how I spend my time and only want to spend my time building this business to achieve the levels of success I desire. I don't know what job I want to spend the rest of my life doing because honestly I don't want any job. I don't just think about money when saying that I want to run a business but honestly I could not describe any perfect job for me, a very high, and I mean million dollar salary would not satisfy me. I am not the guy who would just be happy as a trash man or elevator repair man making $1000 an hour even because quite frankly I don't want to pick up trash or spend the time trying to figure out how to repair an elevator.

I want so badly for this home based internet business to work out, especially so that I can actually teach others how to do it. There are so many people out there now providing ways to "legitimately" work from home but the problem is most often they are only providing platforms where they'll receive a commission for you joining, or they're providing jobs that really require so much sacrifice of your time that you can't even make them work. I personally believe that there is 1 simple principle that schools have failed to teach us, that there is 1 simple unit of education that if taught correctly and provided with all the tools could actually allow anyone in the world to do anything that they actually want to do and be success.    (Business) but not just business.

Anyways guys I'll go deeper into this topic tomorrow, stay tuned :) Hopefully I provided enough despite being on an empty brain.

Until tomorrow.


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