Christmas Eve 2017


More Motivation, More Motivation!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays my people, I hope you all are able to enjoy these good times with family and friends.
I am so so so so so motivated and happy and filled with energy. GT-R here I come. 2018 will be my year! 2018 will be the year for all of you as well, to do anything that you aspire to achieve.

After watching more videos today from a few channels I'm subbed to I'm really considering going with the route of a print-on-demand Shopify store. This basically means creating my own t-shirt store. As some of you will know I currently have my own t-shirt store for my personal brand under Teespring but this idea would involve using an app like Teespring through the Shopify platform. Long story short, by doing this I would have a better looking store with the capability of making higher profits for a longer duration. This option over just trying to find some random product would be so much easier and I truly see the advantage of being able to target specific people with specific designs on the shirts. I really think that this will be my best option to take for my business so that's what I'm gonna be focusing on for now.

2018 for me
Shopify store

  • at least 1 profitable store, to be starting hopefully within this month however

1 or 2 products Amazon FBA

  • not really my main focus, leaving this for my "business partner" which if you watch my YouTube videos, it's Lamar. not my focus but I'd love to eventually get into this and have at least 1 product, at most 5
1 or 2 products e-bay reselling

  • this may or may not happen, if I man up and start my Shopify store, assuming I'll see the success I want then I would go into Amazon arbitrage over e-bay. essentially the same thing but over Amazon's marketplace

profiting from 5-6 Affiliate programs monthly

  • currently an affiliate for a few programs but if I could just figure out how to set up a landing page to actually be able to do this correctly, I'd love to be profiting off of at least 3 programs. would love to be able to make a full time income (around $3,000 for me) monthly

15,000 YouTube Subscribers with regular monthly profits

  • I don't create videos for YouTube just to make money but the idea of leveraging a brand cannot be ignored, in fact it wouldn't be. With even just 15k subscribers I'd probably have many local businesses contacting me for work and I really want to use my brand to do big things

With these business models I really hope to be able to make a full time salary from the internet in time for my graduation, May 2018. That is my absolute goal, that is my plan, I am going to make it happen. If I could do just $3,000 a month it would be convincing enough for my parents to allow me to forget just getting a job and spend all my time on this business. I would still get a job however, if I am only profiting $3,000 by then just to have another source of stable income but the goal is to be able to not have to have a 9-5 where I'd waste so much time honestly. I want to spend the majority of 2018 and the rest of my life building and growing what we have going here


  • man I've never been anywhere. I firstly just want to travel out of VA, even a trip to the bordering states would be nice. I've never been to NY, would love to get back to California, and then maybe the midwestern states. I for sure want to drive a lot, maybe do some road rallies and adventures with friends. At some point I only hope to be able to travel internationally 🙏


  • travel, health, family/friends: all equate to some of those important life topics that any human must work on. As a believer that we must aspire for more I believe that all of these topics must be worked on daily, sadly up until this point today, I have not.

friends & family

  • I wouldn't be here without these people, without you guys. I support those who support me and wouldn't trade my family for anything. In 2018 I hope to really make them feel that appreciation

new job & leave current part time

  • this for me will be a big transition, a manly transition if you will. A long awaited transition into something new, I'm still working my first job ever going into the 5th year now

graduate college

  • gonna leave and never look back, and when my business takes off and I've reached my levels of success, you guys already know my opinion on college. Only go if you have to, if you know what you want to do and it requires furthering your education in such a platform. So many major jobs nowadays in fields such as computer science or technology don't even require a bachelors degree 😒

trade with Robinhood app

  • I tried this maybe a year ago and gave up, I certainly want to take every money making opportunity including of course, investments. After making some money with my businesses mentioned up above, I want to learn about the stock market and real estate investing

1 online course for business

  • you always have to plug both merch and a course haha. Anyone who watches business type people on YouTube or even some of these personal branded channels such as Tanner Fox or Mo Vlogs will get the joke. But as an entrepreneur, as an influencer, as a man who can make an impact I will always give back. So anything I learn I will always provide feedback, tools, and knowledge on

pay off decent amount of student loans

  • this will definitely be fun. As a businessman, or one who aspires to be so, all you hear is "don't go into debt," or "avoid debt at all costs." And for those not so inspired by money as I seem to be here in this blog, type into google, millionaires' perspectives on getting college degrees. It's amazing to see now that many major influencers, billionaires, are suggesting that you shouldn't chase a college degree. You obviously don't need one lol, look at Bill Gates. Billionaire with no college degree 😃 yet so many people including myself are recommended to go to college just because we do so well in high school, which in my opinion just required a little bit of focus. Yeah I missed out on all the parties, but I got all A's :) just stupid to me honestly but oh well, I'm nearly $70,000 in debt, lucky me
Thanks for reading, Happy holidays everyone
See you tomorrow for another good day


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