affiliate marketing


4 more days, man does time sure fly. 4 days until 2018, another new year. A sign of hope for some and a sign of freedom for others. I for sure am not thinking about any days or certain dates, although graduating in May of 2018 will be a very big day for me. But no, I'm excited and motivated for today. The 27th of December, 2017. I'm ready my people, ready for success. I'm ready for greatness with the ability to have nice things and to be able to lead and teach others.

This affiliate marketing thing is really driving me crazy I'm not gonna lie. I truly see the potential behind it and believe that with the proper knowledge I could easily be making my goal of $3000 a month but it really is a bit confusing to start. But I won't give up that's for sure and once I make at least $1000 or so I'll begin making tutorials and providing my recommendations/reviews for you guys. It's gonna feel so good once I've gotten to this small goal, I would love to be able to pay off my student loans before age 26.

Anyways guys I wanna get back to work despite the fact that I'm feeling really tired right now so I'm gonna give you guys an insight/my take on what Affiliate Marketing is and then I'll end the post for today.

Long story short Affiliate Marketing is definitely not new. In fact the concept is so simple and in my opinion, only provides more benefit to a company as it's essentially a way of getting more traffic/clients. As an affiliate your job is to go out and promote a product for a company and in return for making a sale, the company pays you a commission. I think that this is only a good thing for the company as they are getting sales through their affiliate that they may not have gotten without them and all they have to do is pay this marketer a small commission. And yes, the commissions may be small. In fact, Amazon, one of the largest online marketplaces in the world right now is known for paying out very small commissions to their affiliates.

For the affiliate, why is this something that you would ever want to do? How would I make this a full time income and be able to refer a $3000 a month income as little or easy to achieve through affiliate marketing. Well, as an affiliate marketer you have no commitment or agreement to the parent company other than following their rules of marketing and selling their products. For example, as an affiliate for Walmart which I currently am, it is not accurate to say that I work for Walmart. I have no affiliation with Walmart whatsoever pretty much other than the fact that I sell their products for them and they pay me commissions. Now the exciting part or thing that makes me not just a worker for this company is the fact that you are not payed on a schedule, you essentially have no rules on how or where you sell their products, and the obvious fact that you can be an affiliate for as many companies as you want simultaneously.

The goal or reason to become an affiliate marketer for Walmart as an example versus being a salaried worker is that as an affiliate marketer you can work wherever and whenever you want to. The "laptop lifestyle" that many big businessman are talking about nowadays is fully achievable with this method of business. You don't need a desk or to go clock in or even check in with the company you're "affiliated" with, all you have to do is to get people to buy that company's products from you. There's nothing scheemy or wrong with this as some people believe. If I always talked about how good a iPhone case from Apple is for example, I made videos on it and talked about the case everyday and then one day you just so happened to need a new iPhone case, it is not scheemy for me to get you to buy your new case through my link to Apple. And that is essentially what affiliate marketing is. There is no change in the price between that given by the affiliate and the company, and there simply is no difference in how you make your purchase.

Anyways guys I hope that helps you guys to understand affiliate marketing and it's benefits. Leave me some comments and share the post if it did and guys, Keep moving forward.

Thanks for reading


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