Chilly sundays

Day 40.

"Every morning, I will do today what others don't, so I'll have tomorrow what others won't." Good god lol this is such a bold statement. I love it. As my long time readers may be able to guess from my old posts, I got this phrase from yet another motivational video. I watch this stuff everyday to keep my mind fresh and my workmanship on a positive and forward wave.

Today was yet another great lazy Sunday, I actually managed to get some exercise in. After months of worry over my finances and avoiding any extra expenses I finally ordered a bit of the many things I need right now and that package will be here tomorrow! :)

Idk about you guys but simply getting out and doing stuff can be so motivational and uplifting. Just sitting around in the house can greatly affect your mood. You won't feel like doing anything. So although I have much work to do I chose to go out and exercise, and now I get to do that boring school work.

That's pretty much my day. I'm currently talking with a few people and putting out applications, I may be either getting a new job soon or at least finding new work which with any option, my schedule may change a bit. And this change as change in general can often be, will be good.

Over the next few days, assuming I can finish up with this school stuff tonight, I plan to initiate my businesses aside from YouTube. The channel is already a work in progress, the goal is to reach 100 subscribers by December but even if we don't I'm happy with the support and growth we've seen thus far. Next I want to either launch a "Store" where I can resell products from foreign manufactures or even run this as arbitrage where I'll buy the products locally and store them with me. I really want to make a well though out decision on this before Thursday (Thanksgiving day) and hopefully initiate whichever plan I do. I hope to have this store aside from the small store I'll link to my personal brand which will feature small stuff that I'll support and promote on my YouTube channel. I plan to come up with a few template designs tonight, very simple, and want to have them up on my store by tomorrow.

Just Take Action! This is the only way to get things done, don't think about it, just do it.

What I really need to also get done is more back story and promotion of who I am and what my brand stands for. As you guys know, I simply am a college student with tons of debt who isn't thrilled with the idea of job searching and living with no aspirations in life. Life is all about what you make it and I want to reach for the stars, I have very high goals. And yes, goals, not dreams.

I want to show people my journey and history to both show you the mistakes and things I've experienced as well as show how just because I've lived the way I have thus far, this does not limit me. And no my past isn't bad, my current situation isn't bad, but I aspire for me. I want more and I believe/work hard daily to learn more so that I'm able to achieve more. I'm working hard now not with some intent of never having to work again rather to work smarter which essentially means to be able to live the way you want comfortably while not working so hard. So many people aren't living the way that they want to whether finances are involved or not but we all share one common commodity; time.

Not many people get to spend the majority of their time in the manner that they'd like. And even if you don't agree with this statement or if I'm not totally correct, I for sure want to be able to live life on my own terms. I don't want to trade my time for money. I have to much to live for, too many things I want to get done in life, to many people I want to make an impact on.

That's pretty much all we're doing here, thank you guys so much for reading and supporting. It's gonna be a long and challenging journey I'm sure but I appreciate you guys for being here and watching as we make this journey a success.

See you guys tomorrow


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