You can't win them all

Day 5
It's okay to lose, you have to play to win, and to learn. If you can't handle a loss you'll never truly be ready for a win. I was undefeated with this local combo league of mixed double until today, I played with a racket that I found just yesterday and was not prepared at all for today. My partner and I fought hard, we had fun, and we went out swinging.

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I have so many small things to work on, so many things to get done so tonight's post may be shorter.

And it was at that moment, I messed up. I went off track. Here we are at day 5 and I just about ended the night without even making this post. Today has just been that day, another day to learn from. We all make mistakes, nobody is perfect. It's about how you react, whether you choose to get back up after you fall as to whether it matters or not and believe me, I will get back up. Tomorrow, day 6, a day with no scheduled "plans" or places to be on my schedule. I have to start using my time better, I have to find a way to keep myself working, I have to make it so that I don't feel like I'm in this alone. It's unhealthy to be alone, you can't achieve greatness alone, together we're better.

Tomorrow I'm gonna go film, (Monday the 16th) no matter what. It's currently midnight and times like this it becomes so easy to go back to zero, to begin feeling sad for myself, to have those negative feelings come back. But this time I won't allow it happen, I won't give in to my utmost desire to be perfect, I won't back down. Tomorrow is a new day and as far as I'm concerned we're still going forwards. I couldn't/can't seem to get this video to render so that'll be fun to deal with tomorrow but as far as I'm concerned I have 2 other videos waiting to be edited for the channel, and I'm going out tomorrow to film a few more clips for 2 other projects I'm working on. It's all good!

I hope you guys enjoyed, thanks for reading, see you tomorrow.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel here for more. 


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