I am tired wayy too often


tired. tryna make changes lol

but thankfully I got some news from my little cousin that will hopefully provide benefit for what we have here. I was basically made aware of how boring I am lol, how uninteresting I truly am and it's true. I have to work on it. this blog is unoriginal and half the time it involves very very short posts

the problem though is all this stuff I have going on. I received yet another email today with details/basically saying that I may be able to do another internship that I applied for. I've already "kinda" accepted 1 social media marketing internship with a nonprofit and now I'm hearing back from a second company that I applied to. my summer 9-5 job starts very soon, I graduate in about 3 weeks, I have to schedule myself for a certification exam before graduating... it's just a lot

my car is also about to hit a major milestone... 30k miles all driven by me :P
making more money, always moving forward

anyways guys, tomorrow I will work harder


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