Tuesdays :P


Part 1

Yet again, I think this is the second time in the past 4/5 months of daily blogging that I've missed a day. But it was only fitting as yesterday was quite the day for me, yet another crazy one.

Thankfully however I'm working on myself. Everyday I'm trying to get better as we all should. I'm trying to spend more time with friends, making new friends, and just being more social. I really want to enjoy these moments.

I heard just today in a video with Gary Vaynerchuk that patience is key. Vaynerchuk is another one of those highly successful businessman that I watch over for motivation and I really appreciate what he said about being patient and enjoying the moment. I tend to be too impatient.

Success doesn't and most likely won't happen overnight. I get it.

Thanks guys for the support, this is the make-up post for yesterday, 2nd post coming soon.


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